Chapter 2

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I took a deep breath and knocked on the office door where I knew my mother was at. I had no idea what she wanted, and I prayed that it wasn't anything bad. I also hoped that she didn't find out my secret because I knew that she would ask if I had been to therapy, which I hadn't done.

"It's open," my mother called, and I opened the door and stepped in. She looked up when I closed the door and smiled at me, her face shining with pride. "Hello, Emily," she said, and I smiled in greeting. She closed a folder and leaned against the back of her chair, and placed her hands in her lap. "Take a seat," she said, gesturing towards the chair in front of her desk.

I nodded my head and sat down in the chair in front of her desk. "Dad said that you wanted to see me," I said, and she nodded in confirmation. "Why?" I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow.

She opened up her folder and sighed, chewing on her lip. Doubt filled her eyes, and I could tell that she wondered if she wanted me to do this, whatever this was. "I am putting you in charge of someone," she said, looking up at me. She handed me over the file. "His name is Sergeant Kanen Ross, and he is twenty-two-years-old."

I opened the file and saw an attractive young male. "Has he been injured?" I asked, flicking through his file. My heart went out to him when I caught sight of the list of injuries and the fact that he was in a wheelchair. "He's stuck in it?" I asked, looking up at her.

Mom frowned and nodded her head grimly. She had a sad look in her eyes, and I could tell that she felt for this young man. "The doctor said that he couldn't walk again," she said, moving a hand through her brown hair and grimacing. "However, I am hoping that there is a small chance that he will."

I nodded my head, understanding what she meant. I had seen this group work "miracles" with people that had been told that they would never walk again or do something that "normal" people could do.

This place worked on skills for any person. It didn't matter if the person had a disability or not. If they needed help, then we helped as well as the animals here. Each animal had something to do with the help of the person. They helped give each person the confidence they needed to survive and live.

Some people who had worked with us, the group, left and went out to the "real" world and got jobs that some people thought they shouldn't. Others decided to stay and help others like them be the best that they could be.

We have had some cases where we couldn't help the said person, but that was surprisingly very small and very few in between. Something that we had added was a full-time therapist that lived on the ranch with everyone.

If someone needed something, then they went to see her and talk about whatever. I had never gone, even though I knew that I could. I... was struggling with this myself, but I mainly ignored what had happened to me because I needed to keep a clear head to work with everyone. People were looking up to me because my mother was the main person.

"I am kind of leery of putting you with him," Mom said, breaking me from my thoughts. She sighed and moved a hand through her hair. "However, your father said that you should be fine with him."

"He has anger issues?" I asked, looking over his file again. "Is... that why you are worried?" I looked at my mother. I was a little annoyed that she thought I wouldn't be able to handle someone's anger issues, but I understood. I was her baby girl, after all.

She nodded. "Your father said that you would be able to handle it." She looked at the door when it opened and scowled, and I could tell that my dad came in. "I am putting my trust in him. However, if you get hurt..."

Dad placed his hand on my shoulder and kissed the side of my head. He moved his hand through my hair, and I groaned and smacked it away because I hated him messing up with my hair. "She'll be able to handle it, Bellie," he said, a sly smile on his face. "I wouldn't have said for her to give it a shot if I didn't." He moved towards my mother and placed a kiss on her lips. "Besides, what would you do if she gets hurt?"

Mom chuckled and kissed his lips, and I gagged playfully. "Oh... wouldn't you want to find out," she said, giving him another long, slow kiss.

"Uh, ew," I said, gagging playfully. I covered my eyes and grimaced, not wanting to see my parents make out. "Please, refrain from doing that with me here."

Dad looked up at me and winked. "Then, you might want to leave," he said. "I think I have some unfinished business from this morning." He looked down at my mother, and I could see the love he had for her. "Isn't that right, Dear?"

Mom rolled her eyes, but I could tell that she really wanted to have a fun time. "He'll be coming over soon. I think he is coming before the cookout, so you'll have time to show him around before you take him." She pulled him closer to her and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Ok, ew, I am leaving," I said, taking the file and standing from my seat. "Don't mind your innocent eighteen-year-old daughter standing in the room." I started to walk to the door and opened it before looking at my parents. "I would say get a room, but I can see that this room is already occupied. Just... no more babies. Please?"

"No promises," Dad said. "It's going to get hot and steamy."

"TMI!" I called out and shut the door behind me. I looked at the file and sighed, staring at the grim male. "Well, Sergeant Ross, how bad can you be? Maybe we can get you walking again."

The Broken Soldier She Fell For (Book 2 of Something Series)Where stories live. Discover now