November 06, 2019

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Hello everyone. I managed to get in touch with Adam two days after my last post. Like I mentioned we hadn't seen each other in person for quite some time so it was a nice treat to finally be able to. I explained the situation to him and he said that he'd be over right away. Before I continue in this post I think it's necessary for me to explain Adam's abilities. You may think that he only has strength in the dream world and while he is stronger there I can tell you that he can hold his own outside of it. 

His powers revolve more around mental magic. Of course, he has a similar ability to Nukku. It allows him to help people sleep more easily. It includes things like hypnosis, seeing auras, and telekinesis. Adam has even told me that he can control or read the minds of people who are weaker than him.

This meant that he could control their actions or at least influence them in some way. However, he chose not to because he felt it'd be wrong to exercise that kind of power over people. I asked him why he would even bother learning how to do those things in the first place if he felt so conflicted about using them. He replied that while he is conflicted about his powers they were necessary to use sometimes, particularly in cases of trying to stop someone potentially dangerous. He's mentioned that he's seen people with very disturbing nightmares ones where they went on killing sprees and things of that nature.

He said that all it takes is influencing them a little to keep them from reaching their breaking point and making those nightmares a reality. He's also mentioned reading the minds of people with what he calls "extreme" auras. These are intense auras of any emotion. Be it anger, joy, or sadness. For example, anger is red, and sometimes most people's aura will be a light shade of red when they are annoyed or irritated. 

Usually, this isn't much of a concern because it would just go away after a little while. Sometimes, however, it would just get worse. It would start to fester as resentment. Then bubble up and explode in extreme violence. Nukku has shown Adam multiple instances in the past where that has happened.

Thing is, they've been able to stop people with extreme red auras from hurting anyone. All it took was a little push. This push can give them the confidence they need to quit a job that's making them miserable or get help. There are times, sadly when those types of people have no way out. That's where the mind control comes in. 

It keeps them from flying off the handle. Now, Adam and Nukku have done everything they can to try and improve people's lives. They've tried influencing the people around them to give them a break. Unfortunately, even with their immense power Adam and Nekku can only do so much. It's gotten a lot harder for them the past decade. Still, their efforts have prevented more violent tragedies than what could happen without them. Sorry for the long introduction. With it out of the way, I can finally tell you all what has been happening recently.

I talked with Krampus about getting help from Adam. He wasn't very happy about me learning everything from Santa. Nonetheless, he relented and agreed to let him stay in his castle. I met up with him a few hours after we talked. I arrived at his home. 

It's located on a small tropical island way out in the ocean. Much like Krampus's true appearance, it can only be glimpsed by magic users or those who have been under the influence of magic. His home was a decent sized treehouse he had built himself. Apparently, he had run away from home when he was younger and had somehow ended up there. I haven't asked where he lived before because I figure it would be rude. However, I figured that he lived somewhere close to the ocean.

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