October 13, 2019

7 1 0

Hey, we finally got internet set up at this place! It may have taken four years of stealing metal from junkyards but we finally set up a tower with our own private internet server. No more hiding behind bushes at night to try and hack a house's Wi-Fi and looking like some creepy pervert for me! Anyway, I hope you all have been well. Krampus had me investigate some sightings that had the Elves concerned the other day. 

I'll keep the details brief since it mostly involves a lot of me walking around. What I did find in one of the areas I searched were these weird looking footprints. As best I can describe it they looked to be made by normal feet. However, the toes were pointed. I'm not talking about like whatever made them had long toenails or something. 

I mean it was like whatever made it had a claw or knife blade in place of each toe. Another thing I noticed is this blue smoke rising from the footprints. I told Krampus about it and he seems concerned. He's not saying why, though. I hate it when he keeps me in the dark.

Enough of that though. I want to tell you all about my second mission. After the Teke-Teke incident, I took Kurz's advice to brush up on different mythology. I was determined to do a good job on my next mission and prepared to do so in between studying and training. It pained me to put my video games off but I had to if I didn't want to get murdered on my next mission.

 It took place two months after my first one. Krampus decided that I still needed to work with someone before I was ready to take on a mission by myself. I was annoyed that he wasn't letting me do the mission on my own but I knew it would be best if I didn't argue with him. In this case, the mission we had was to kill some vampires and werewolves that had been sighted near some European villages. Krampus and I were getting ready to leave but first, he asked me if we had everything we need.

"Silver weapons?"


"Wooden Stakes?"




" Magic water?"

"Don't you mean holy water?"

"No. I mean magic. A priest didn't bless it. I did."

"Oh. Check."

"Good. Now, is there anything you need before we go?"

"I'm good."

It was noon when we arrived. The portal opened up to a random pasture. Upon arriving, I got licked by a cow. 

"Ew. Couldn't you have picked somewhere without any farm animals?" I asked, wiping the cow spit off my face.

"Quit whining. This is the closest area to where we need to be that I could take us to without us being noticed."

"Fine. So what's the plan? Wait till night time and start picking off any vampires we see running around? Actually we don't even know if there'll be a full moon tonight so how do we know if we'll even see any werewolves?"

"That's the problem with kids your age. You always want a quick solution to a problem. However, quicker isn't always better. Fast food is a prime example of that with a couple exceptions. As for the full moon trust me. There will be one."

"Okay, so what should we do first then?"

"We need information. We must find the leaders of each group. However, there is something that I should mention."

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