6. Welcome Home

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Lily's POV

       We walked farther into the heart of the woods. All I could hear were the crunching of leaves while I softly glided over the forest floor, never making a sound. I looked at my golden dagger and noticed that the rubies turned into diamonds. "That's strange", I thought to myself. As we neared the center of the woods, an old, dark, wooden mansion loomed up. Even though it has a dark demeanor hovering around it, the cracked windows leaked light through it.

       Ben stopped walking and so the Jeff. We all stopped 10 feet away from the mansion. I quietly set down my feet upon the ground. Ben turned around and motioned me and Jeff to quietly walk into the house. As me and Jeff walked towards the door, Ben stopped me and not Jeff. "We need to tell the others about you. We normally don't let random people come into the mansion, especially Slendy." I nodded in understanding and quietly waited outside. "I'd like to just become invisible and see what's going on in the mansion", I complained to myself. "Sometimes, life isn't fair".

Ben's POV

       Me and Jeff stepped into the living room. To the right of the room, the TV was turned on and I saw my friend Eyeless Jack playing Call of Duty. I cleared my throat just as he died in the game. He turned around to face me and paused the game. "What?" he asked in an annoyed voice. "Where's Slenderman?" I asked in a similar tone. EJ (Eyeless Jack) motioned upstairs. "He's in his room doing his usual work". Jeff stopped me just as I was heading to the staircase. "I'm gonna stay down here", he firmly stated. I shook my head. "You're coming with me. You're gonna be helping me explain some of it", I spat back. Jeff swiftly took out his knife and pretended to play with it. "I have other things to do". I became impatient and grabbed his arm. I dragged him up the stairs to Slendy's room. He struggled and attempted to cut my arm, but I managed to dodge them.

       "Fine", he grumbled. He stopped struggling with me and stood up. We stood outside of Slendy's door quietly for a few seconds. Quietly, I knocked on Slendy's door 4 times. He knows it's me when someone knocks on his door 4 times. "Come in", a deep smooth voice called. I pushed open the door and walked in. Jeff trailed me as I walked into the dimly lit room. I looked up to see a boy around the age of 20 in a black jacket and dark jeans. His eyes were pitch black and his mouth was set in a firm line. "Sit", he ordered. Me and Jeff obeyed and sat in chairs set up on the side of the room.

       "What do you want?" he asked in an impatient voice. I sighed and looked at Jeff. He sat there looking bored so I faced Slendy. I started from when I first found Lily and all my visits. I also told him about how she killed her father and her golden transformation. Of course, I mentioned how she made Jeff scared to death and of the rare knife she possessed. Slendy nodded throughout my whole speech. "Now, me and Jeff brought her here. She's definitely not human". Slendy didn't look surprised or anything, he only nodded and smiled. "Bring her to my room. We all need to talk. Jeff, don't walk away. I will need you during our meeting." I nodded and walked out of the room. As I descended the stairs, i nervously fumbled with the handle of my sword. "What if she's not allowed here?" I thought anxiously to myself. My hand touched the door handle to the front door. I opened it.

Lily's POV

       I nearly fell asleep until I heard the door behind me creak open. Ben stood there nervously fumbling with the handle of his sword. "Follow me", he said in a near shaky voice. I obediently followed him up a set of stairs until we reached a room. The door was a dark brown color and I quickly identified it as oak wood. Ben opened the door and I saw a boy around the age of 20 with dark clothing, dark eyes, and a serious face. As soon as he saw me, his face seemed to relax a bit. I stood in the doorway, feeling a little nervous. "Come in", the dark boy said in a smooth tone. After a few seconds, I slowly walked in and took a seat one chair away from Jeff. Jeff only took a short glance at me and looked away. It's hard to tell if he was scared or angry with that smile carved into his face.

       The dark boy stood in the middle of the room and looked at me with that serious face. "Ben has told me about you. I know that you're not a normal human being and you have a power to control Jeff's actions. Somehow, you can materialize rare weapons out of thin air. Do you know who you are?" he asked in a monotone voice. I shook my head. "Then I don't know either", he stated with finality. Suddenly, he grew taller and thinner. His clothing turned into a suit and his skin became white. His face disappeared and tentacles erupted from behind him. Jeff and Ben quickly stood up and backed away. Before I could blink my eyes, I was lifted about 10 feet off the ground, not to mention the ceiling was higher than I thought.

       My body was dangling as his tentacles grasped my feet. I was facing "Slenderman" and almost freaked out. Thankfully, Ben already told me that "Slenderman" had no face. I was swaying side to side as "Slenderman" seem to examine me. His grip on me began to loosen and I had the feeling that I was about to fall to my death. I could see Ben underneath me, ready to save me. There was no need for that. As soon as I was released, I summoned my power to float softly to the ground without getting hurt. As I slowly floated to the ground, I could see that Slenderman was going back into his human form. From what I could interpret, he looked impressed, almost as if I had just done a wonderful job of defeating him. "I see that you could protect yourself", he stated in an impressed voice. "Ben, she's allowed to stay for a while. I will decide if she can stay longer. She can, after all, transform like us. Also, you already told her a lot about us so I need to make sure this doesn't spread out."

       In my head, hundreds of thoughts swarmed me in relief that I can stay here. "Only for a while", I reminded myself. Ben led me to his room which was still on the second floor. His room consisted of a computer, a laptop, a bed, and a dark green couch. Ben pointed at the couch and explained that that is where I will sleep for the time I'm staying. I nodded happily. "Come on, I need to introduce you to everyone else. They're waiting downstairs." He grabbed my hand and pulled me with such strength that I almost tripped over onto my face. He pulled me up and walked a little slower.

       When we reached the living room, it was true that "everyone" was waiting for me. I saw a little girl that I noted as Sally and a few others I mentally noted as Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Hoodie, Masky, Smile Dog, and a few others I couldn't name. Smile Dog seemed to grin at me and I got a little nervous at the sight of that. Ben moved me forward towards the strange people. I looked at the crowd and tried on a smile, mostly looking at Sally since I find her easier to look at. She smiled back and I felt less tense. "Well?" Ben asked everyone. They all looked at me as if I was some sort of specimen that they have to observe and experiment on. Then, they all shouted out, "Welcome home!". Smile Dog ran at me and I nearly fell over, because he kept trying the lick my face. He wasn't as scary as I thought. Ben ordered Smile Dog to go back to the others as he took hold of my hand. Everyone else tried to surround us.

       Sally came up to me and took my other hand. "Can we have a tea party?" she asked in a tiny, sweet voice. "Tomorrow as soon as I wake up", I replied. She let go and cried out in joy. I smiled and whispered to Ben if we could go sleep. He agreed and told the others to go back to whatever they were doing. They cleared out and he led me back to his bedroom. "I'll be back in an hour. I'm gonna play some video games just downstairs", he said. I nodded as he exited the room. I took a shower after he closed the door and found some spare clothes in his closet. I jumped on to the couch and cuddled into the corner of it. "Who knew that killers could be so friendly", I thought to myself. "Well", I continued to think, "I'm a killer myself, aren't I?" The thoughts of me being a killer ran through my head until I fell asleep.

       Somewhere in my sleep, I think I heard a door open. Someone laid something soft and warm across my body. I can't be very sure if it was Ben, because as soon as the softness of the cloth touched me I fell into a deep sleep.

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