Chapter 5: The arcade

Start from the beginning

Lauren arched an eyebrow and pulled me by my arm from Tyler's hug.

"Is that true?" 

"Yes" I wish that my voice could sound more confident but that wasn't the case at all.

"I have a paper due tomorrow for English, is about that book, To Kill a Mockingbird? and I am so tired and have a headache, but I'm sure you can help me with that" she suggested with an arched brow, I nodded quickly. She let go of my arm and pushed me back, it made me stumble but this time I caught myself before I could hit the floor.

"I guess we'll see you tomorrow Soff" Tyler shrugged and walked around me, he grabbed my hand and kissed it in a mock manner, it actually made me smile a little. 

He was a jock using my to do his homework but at least he was being kind about it. 

All of a sudden I felt a chilly and sticky liquid run down my hair and my face, I gasped out of cold and my hand went to stop the sticky liquid from hit my eyes. When I wiped it off my forehead I saw that it was vanilla milkshake.

"Don't bite more than what you can chew, Swan" Lauren said and everybody bursted into laughter and headed to the deep blue van that was parked a couple spots down the coffee shop.

I shivered and wiped as much as I could of the milkshake off of my hair and clothes, however the more I tried to take it off, the worse it gets. Now my whole hair was sticky and so were my fingers.

It was getting darker and I knew I had to get home before it was completely dark and it got colder, I was soaked in milkshake and I was cold and to top it all I didn't bring my inhaler.

I started to make my way back home while taking my jacket off, it was all sticky and I felt really dirty. I also tied my hair up in a ponytail, I wasn't that much soaked under my jacket so maybe Bella won't find out. I just wanted to spare the embarrassment of her finding out. I mean I haven't been here for longer than 2 days and I already got myself into trouble.

After walking for like 15 minutes I finally got home, I walked to the front door noticing that Charlie's cruiser was parked in the drive way, I sighed, I would have to get to my room straight away so they won't see me all soaked in Lauren's milkshake.

I opened the door and I could hear Charlie in the living room watching the game, I peeked into the kitchen to make sure that Bella wasn't there and then sneaked my way to the staircase being as silent as I could.

"Are you playing hide and seek, Soff?" Charlie's voice made me stop hot on my tracks with my foot on the first step of the stairs. I looked over my shoulders thinking that he was behind me but he wasn't so I guessed he was still on the living room and just heard me come in.

"Kind of, I'm going to take a shower and I'll be down to have dinner" I explained in a hurry and went upstairs not waiting to hear his reply before I headed straight to the bathroom.

Once I was done with my shower and put on some PJ's I went back downstairs, Bella was finishing serving the food and I finish helping her and getting some sodas for us and a beer for Charlie. He nodded thanks.

"So how was your first day in school girls?" Charlie tried to spark up conversation while cutting his steak, Bella and I looked at each other wondering who was first to speak, she nudged me under the table and I sighed.

"Well it was ok, Bella and I have one class together" I chirped and took a bite of my smashed potato.

"Well that's great, did they give you the right classes tho'? if they didn't give you the advanced one I will go and have a word with the principal" Charlie asked me, I shook my head no.

"They gave me the right classes, no need to worry" I smiled shyly.

"Good, so did you guys made any friends?" Charlie asked again but looked at his plate this time, I looked at Bella as if saying 'You are up'.

"Everybody was nice, Mike something was really nice" Bella said quietly and I rolled my eyes, Bella was awful with names.

"Mike Newton" I added when I saw Charlie mentally listing all the 17-year-old Mikes he knew.

"The Newtons are nice people they have a Sports and Outing store near edge of town, they moved here from California like 12 years ago" Charlie said and Bella nodded but I saw her and she was looking like she wanted to say something.

"What do you know the Cullens?" Bella asked and I shocked a little on my veggies, Charlie gave me an strange look and I smiled a little and took a sip of my soda.

"They moved here like a couple years ago" Charlie chatted innocently "Dr. Cullen is a really good surgeon".

"His kids, they all are quite something, but don't have many friends" Bella casually mentioned trying to fish for information and I saw Charlie grump and turn a little red.

"The people in this town!" He exclaimes "Just because they are outsiders they treat them like they are the plague, Well, you know what? Dr. Cullen is a great influence in this hospital, he could work anywhere in the world and we are lucky that his wife wants to live in a small town and have a quite live and those kids of them have never given anyone any problems" Charlie continued with his little speech, leaving us speechless "I know kids that have lived here their whole lives and have wind up on the back of the cruiser more times than I can count" 

"I didn't mean it like that, is just that they are really beautiful" Bella corrected quickly not wanting to be at the other end of Charlie's wrath "They are somewhat intimidating because of that".

"That they are" Charlie agreed with a laugh "You should see all of the nurses in the hospital, they all have a hard time focusing in their work when Dr.Cullen is there"

Published 04/02/2020

Edited 09/07/2020

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