Steve raised an eyebrow, "What?" 

"Steve these people aren't going to stop trying to kill me. I have to take the whole organization down. But I can't do it alone." 

Steve nodded, "Okay."


Steve nodded again, "When do we leave?" 

Natasha shook her head in disbelief, "Are you sure you want to get involved with this? I don't have much of a plan, and if you associate with me, they'll want to kill you just as much as me." 

"I'm sure. If last month is anything to go by, I think the two of us make a pretty good team when it comes to bringing down people who want to kill us." 

Natasha sighed, "Yeah. We do." 

"So when do we leave?" Steve asked, standing up and offering her his hand. 

She took it and stood up besides him, "As soon as you're ready." 

Steve nodded, "Give me ten minutes." 

Natasha nodded and Steve quickly went into his room to pack a small bag. 

"What do I need to bring?" Steve asked. 

Natasha leaned against his door, "Warm clothes and your shield."

Steve raised an eyebrow, "No suit?" 

Natasha shook her head, "It'll be too obvious." 


Steve gathered his things and threw them into a bag before joining her at the door, "I'm ready." 

Natasha nodded, "Let's go then." 

He opened the door from her and followed her to the stairs until he saw her stop. 

"What?" He asked. 

"I think they followed me here. Look," She said, pointing out the window at a large black truck where two large men were standing. 

Steve frowned, "What do we do?" 

"Put your arm around me and look happy. They'll be expecting me alone so they won't look twice at a happy couple walking to their car. We'll need to take your motorcycle too, they'll know what my car looks like." 

Steve nodded and did as she said, pulling her closer to him as they walked out of the building.

"Laugh at something I said," Natasha whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder and looking up at him. 

Steve did so and reminded himself that none of it meant anything and that it was all for a mission.

When they got to the motorcycle, Steve sat down in front of her and she wrapped her arms around him, leaning her cheek against his back. 

"Turn left out of the parking lot and go straight for three miles. Once I'm sure they aren't following us I'll let you know which way to go." 

Steve nodded and did as she said. 

Three miles later she had him pull over and took out a small map. 

"We have to get to this airport. I've got a contact there who can lend us a plane to get to Russia." 

Steve nodded, "Okay." 

They got back on the bike and made it to the airport in a little under two hours. 

"Where's the plane we're taking?" Steve asked. 

Natasha pointed to a smaller jet at the end of the row of planes, "There. She left the keys inside and it's fuel is full." 

Romanogers One-Shots 2Where stories live. Discover now