Chapter Five﹏

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Jason mcann ﹏

I slowly got up from off my bed and remembered that I left Justin in a chair downstairs. I know that seems cruel but I could careless. He basically told me to me 'Fuck you' which I would've gladly done but then he lied which got me mad. I hate liars. I can't stand them, I mean why lie? When you could be honest and tell the truth. I walked into my kitchen to see Justin with his head down,faint snores coming from his mouth. I smiled a bit and slowly untied him trying not wake him up. After I successfully untying him I picked him up (shockingly he was lightweight) and brung him to my room and layed him down on my queen size bed. I propped up on my elbow, admiring how peaceful he is in his sleep, "I love you Justin. " I carefully peaked his lips and fell asleep.

﹏   ﹏

I woke up and found Justin in my arms. A smile tugged at my lips as he stired in his sleep (in my arms!) He batted his eyes open. "W-what the hell...." Justin started to panic I sighed and flipped him over on top of me.  "Don't worry.... You were a sleeping in the chair so I brought you up here. "He blushed. "O-okay. " I laughed at how adorable he is. "So cute. " I kissed his cheeks. He was red as a tomatoe. "C-can I g-get down n-now?" Justin asked trying to flip off of me but I refuse to let him down. "No, I like this position. " I whispered in his ear. "Well I've gotta use the bathroom. " He said  pulling away from my grasp roughly. "Go then...." He walked out, I got up and went to make breakfast.

Ha Jason Mccan making breakfast?! No. I have a housekeeper and she cooks for me.

Justin's probably looking for me. I walked upstairs to Justin whom was texting on his phone. He giggled and started typing away. "Hey, who ya text?" I asked walking into his room. "Uh.... No one. " His phone when off again and he smiled and quickly picked it up, but I snatched it from him. "Give me that back!"

Joshie:Babe i'm so sorry i let that guy take you away like that, i was panicing i think i even passed out at some point..... it's all my fault your gone.

Justin: Awe it's okay i know i was panicing too, but it's my dad's fault he sold me like i was some type of toy.

Joshie: I'm sorry. i love you! I miss your sweet lips.

Justin: It's okay really babe, i love you too, and i miss your lips too.

"What the fuck is this?!"

Justin bieber ﹏

I flinched at Jason's sudden outburst. Is it so wrong to talk to my boyfriend? "Jason, calm down. I'm just talking to my boy-"

"—Friend yeah I know! I'm your boyfriend now! You aren't allowed to have a boyfriend while you're with me!" He yelled, I huffed

I can't have a boyfriend?! That's crazy! I wanna live my own life! "You are not my boyfriend. " I retorted getting up and walking away from him.

Jason grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Yes, I am and I'll always will be.... Forever. Don't forget it. " He said darkly his hot breath hitting my ear. That was

No! No it wasn't!

No! That was not! Stop it Justin!

"Ow! Why?!" He shocked me! Again! I rubbed my wrist. "I'm gonna start using this more often, so watch out. " Jason let go of me and grabbed the chain and dragged me to the kitchen.

A lady was in here making breakfast. Her strawberry blonde hair flowed down her back. It looked so soft. She turned around and gave us a gentle smiled.  "Good morning, Mr. McCann today we've made waffles with bluberry muffins and the best coffee in town" She's so beautiful 

"Justin this is Katie but we call her Kat" 

"New submissive?" She asked Jason,he chuckled "You could say that.....but you know if he's screaming not to disturb" Kat laughed and walked away.

"Wait, what's a submissive?" Jason looked at me, his eyes darkened and he whispered "This is gonna make your experience even better"  He kissed my cheeks make me shiver..... With pleasure?

There's something about Jason that keeps me wanting more and more. He's so....Toxic, he makes me hate him so much that I actually feel like I could fall for him..... Pfft I know that'll never happen ever

He made his lips down to my neck and sucked hard. I whimpered trying to keep my eyes open, trying not  to fall into the sweet sensation of his lips againist my neck "J-jason i'm--- hungry" i whimpered. "And so am i, but i'm only hungry for you". 

Well wasn't that the cheesey thing I've ever heard

"J-jason" i pushed him off. "Umm i'm sorry.... i didn't want to thorw up on you" 

"And why do you want to thorw up?" He crossed his arm already taking this the wrong way. "I'm really hungry, you know when you don't eat for a long peirod of time, you feel sick?" 

Jason nodded and sat at the dinner table which is now full of breakfast. I sat with him. The akaward silence was killing me. We're just sitting eating not one little peep at of Jason. "Can you pass me the syurp please?" He asked as i gave the syurp . "Look this quiet is kill me..... Talk to me. " I whispered scared at how he's gonna react. "What would you like to know?"

"Uh.... How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-two. What else?" He asked brushing the questions off.  "What does a twenty-two year old man what's with a eighteen year old boy?" Jason abruptly put down his muffin and looked up at me with a smirk.

"You know your father and I have known each other for a very long time and with the very long time I would eventually have to find out about his two sons,his one daughter, and wife. Let's just say some deal were made and some deals weren't fulfilled so I had to replace that deal with something else. "I balled my fist and cleached my jaw. "Look! Just answer my question! What do you want with me?!" I yelled making Jason chuckle. "Oh my dear, dear Justin, are you yelling at me?" He chuckled once more. A shrap pain run through my wrist. Jason pull my shirt up. "Don't you dare ever,ever talk me like that again alright?" My felt as if my heart was gonna explode in my chest. "Whatever I want to do with you is my business..... Beside what I'm going to do will only be pleasure. "He whispered and nibbled my ear.

I have a hate/love relationship with him right now.
﹏ ﹏ ﹏
Hello! I'm sorry for not updating! I got so much homework and stuff but....! I'll update next week promise!! Okay bye guys,love you!!

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