Chapter Four﹏

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"Repeat what you just said. " Jason gritted his teeth. "N-nothing- I-i d-didn't say a-anything. " I stammered. He pulled the chain harshly making me cough. "Didn't I tell you not to disrespect me?"

"Y-yes sir. "

"So what did you say?! And don't lie... I hate lairs!" He slapped me making me fall. I held my cheek and looked up at him. His eyes darkened as he yanked my chain up and smirked. Jason started leaving kisses on my neck, these kisses felt fiery they felt toxic like they're bad for me but I needed to have them. I closed my eyes sofly whimpering, trying not to let out a moan. "Don't ever talk to me like that again. " He scolded grabbing my arm and putting me in a chair in the kitchen. Jason went into drawer and took out a dirty rope, he started wrapping my body down on the chair. "I'll be back in the morning. "

Fuck! All night in this fucking chair?! All I said was fuck him. Wow okay? He's so bipolar! I mean first he slaps me them he kisses my neck then ties me to this chair?! I don't understand why he took me.... Life sucks.

Sorry it's not longer or not long at all, sorry I took so long to write I was busy with (being lazy) stuff :-) lol okay bye!!

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