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It was mid-August, roughly one year after Jacob left when Renesmee had to begin high school. The past year had been tough for the young girl. She had been forced to spend the rest of eighth grade under the watchful eyes of her family, homeschooled and attending therapy every single day until the Cullens felt like she was ready enough to move on with her life.

And that happened to be right before she could start high school, which made everyone feel better. It was going to be a new beginning and everybody could feel that the youngest member of the family was prepared to handle all of the high school environment.

Renesmee tied her hair into a messy updo before descending down the stairs, her backpack on her back making her almost look like a turtle. She wished she could simply carry her tablet and some sheets to write on rather than having a backpack full of heavy books.

Downstairs, after a grand breakfast, prepared by her grandma, it was the time Renesmee had dreaded for the past couple of days - the "speeches" her family had prepared. She wasn't in the mood to listen, but she knew she had to - otherwise it would be disrespectful. All she wanted was to go by with her day without unnecessary drama.

"You're gonna do so well, sweetie, I believe in you," Bella smiled lovingly at her daughter before giving her a hug to encourage her.

"We all believe in you," aunt Rosalie planted a kiss on her only niece's forehead, wishing her good luck on her very first day. The family had gone through high school countless times in their existence, alas for Renesmee, it was going to be her very first. She hadn't had much social experience and the family was worried about her wellbeing.

Renesmee simply nodded her head at her family, before walking out to catch the school bus. She sincerely hoped she would meet new people and truly start fresh.

Getting on the bus, she greeted the driver politely and showed her students card before trying to find a seat. As she was attempting to find one, everyone would shot apologizes to her, claiming they were reserving the seat for their friends. At that moment, Renesmee wished she was one of these friends. She would have to meet new ones, to start all over. She was starting to think it wasn't such a good idea. Suddenly, she missed homeschooling - at least there, she never felt lonely!

Until she finally found a seat that was completely empty. But not for long. On the next stop came more students, one of them, a boy, who sat next to Renesmee and smiled at her, introducing himself as Wyatt Marin.

At first glance, there was something about Wyatt that made Renesmee feel somewhat more in place among the rest of the freshers. And that had been what had attracted her to keep on being friends with him to this day.

Dear Jacob [RENESMEE CULLEN]Where stories live. Discover now