18| shrimp cocktail

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Jung Hoseok is so fine... mwahdjodnsixjsbxicusbc8hcdi9xnxjx9cjcncididnsjs8sbx8slsk9s9wjsjznxjxnznzkzkxkxkisis8s9sjsndidosjsjjsjsjsjsidisjsjxnxmjxjs ahhh ok...

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"Look at them! They're taking my success into their palms and becoming better than me! Better than me!" She hysterically gasped, pulling her strands out her hair. "I've created a monster! A monster!" The blonde cried frantically.

If you haven't guess it yet, I was with Evans Moore on a Saturday, helping her out with whatever the fuck Romeo said had been depressing her.

In normal instances, no I wouldn't of ever dreamed of helping out my rival and bully since Sophmore year. But here I am, hiding behind a bush with her, with a pair of binoculars spying on the two people who have actually, apparently been using, manipulating and controlling her.

She never suspected that these new texts that she got on her phone would of came from them. But apparently since she knew they were already planning to overthrow her on the school throne. She had her suspicions.

Evans was crushing on Romeo, she told me an hour ago in her home. She said that she had always felt emotions for him, not the bad boys, it was always Romeo. It was the R twins who liked and pursued after the bad boys.

Evans also confessed that Romeo had been oblivious to her emotions since forever. It's like he was interested in someone else now or something.

Anyways, we are now here because she claims that the R twins, Rebecca and Rachel were sending her threats. The messages on the phone were threatening her about something which had happened to her before.

Evans didn't show the whole context. She only showed a message which said "your a fucking slut" shit like that.

I couldn't reject this girls hurt, I needed to help her. Besides, it'll only be a one time thing, I mean I'm human and shes human, were not always enemies. And someone has to keep an eye on those creepy twins.

I'm pretty sure they could be linked to my own problems somehow.

"Look at Rachel, eating shrimps, she never eats them! Why is she eating it now?"

This event was an outdoor art gallery.  Evans mom was hosting it for her art work. I met the woman before and she really talked about art like she knew it all, she was definitely confident and bold like Evans no mistake there. I just wish I could have my own art gallery outdoors, in this beautiful scenery and weather and just immerse in conversations about the hardwork I've done.

The only art I've displayed is in my living room and bedroom. Which is sad.

"Maybe we should eat something too?" I suggested, feeling my stomach rumbling. "Shut up belly," I whispered down at my stomach, but it kept making noises.

Evans rolled her eyes and pulled my hand, she pulled us towards the twins. Suddenly her act was over, she wasn't playing no more Mr nice guy, or Miss nice guy, she crossed her arms at them both and huffed.

"You two are so pathetic, just give up already—" she pulled out her phone and flashed the messages in their direction, not giving them a chance to see it. "—I know you two are behind the threats. I knew it since the moment you joined in Junior year, wanting to claim my throne is that it?"

Honestly the look the R twins gave Evans made me think that they didn't send those messages. I stood behind Evans feeling second hand embarrassment for the blond. Other guests were also witnessing this. I just hope her mom wasn't.

"W–what are you talking about, Ev?" Rachel, the slender looking one said. She looked like a model with that long cascading brown hair up to her waist and those chocolate brown eyes. "What t–threat?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" She glared, her gaze sliding between the two fo them. "I know what game you're playing, I've been watching you from the start, I know that you sent these threats. Knowing about my past and all, what do you hope to accomplish, huh?"

The R twins looked really confused right now, who could blame them. It looked like Evans Moore just came out of a mental asylum. We should really flee this scene.

"Show us the threats then," Rebecca (the bitchy one) retorts, her lips smacking in anticipation at the dumbfounded blonde.

Evans hesitated, before showing them all the messages. She still didn't let me see them.

The twins looked from her towards me. "I think we should have a chat Evans, in private," Rebecca narrowed her eyes at me now.

My heart was thumping and throat constricting, the way they stared made me feel like I was to do with this. Rachel seemed annoyed to, the way her eyes narrowed on mine.

Evans sent a small smile, before she walked off with her ex henchmen. Leaving me to a silver plate of shrimps, on the table.

I take a seat and slump down in my seat. Whatever those twins know it can't be good. Whatever they're up to it cant be good. For some reason I trusted Evans more than them.

Those twins were trouble, I just had a feeling about them which was sketchy and off.

My cheeks flushed when I saw the waiters had placed a bowl full of shrimp cocktails and I widened my eyes at the goodness.

Let's be honest . . . The mystery can wait another day. Right now, the mystery of my hunger needed to be solved.

So I dived into sweet goodness. My tastebuds met heaven. Rich shrimp was definitely on my new years bucket list and now I was accomplishing that.


Good for you sis! You just wanna eat, respect thattt😔✋

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Good for you sis! You just wanna eat, respect thattt😔✋

You think the twins sent those messages?

Any other thoughts?



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