Chapter 13 : Sucker For You

Start from the beginning

  'I'm telling you Ramon, I feel like everyone had a steady love interest last year and now, George broke up with Sean, dated Julian and now he is fooling around with that marine. Then we have you, single for the first time, not after Diana or me, that's weird. '

'Come on, I'm not a hoe anymore or at least I try.'

'It's a good try, I respect that.'

'Thanks, I feel so much better.'

'Stop mocking me'

'I swear that I can't stop it. You trigger it.'

Ramon and Olivia are officially drunk and tease each other. George is looking at this from the bar and the only thing that comes out of his mouth is...

'Oh boy, winter is coming.'

  Back at the boys apartment.

  Alex and Diana just finished the movie they are watching. Diana seems off. Alex asks her what's wrong...

  'Alex it's nothing. Hey want to go to Bluelife?'


'Ramon and Olivia just did a bunch of stories. They are having drinks.'


'I'm in a mood for a drink.'

'I see, NO.'

'Alex, I think that our relationship is going through a crisis.'

'No baby, our crisis is going through a relationship.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'That if you can't decide between me and Mendoza, after five months of dating, then we shouldn't be dating at all.'

'Alex, what are you talking about?'

'It's obvious that you're running behind Ramon and I can't even blame him, because he is actually living his life.'

'I'm not, you're overreacting.'

'I'm sorry Diana, we are over, get out.'




  Olivia and Ramon are dancing together and Olivia is not answering Brandon's texts. They are so drunk, they have no idea what they are doing. Then Olivia grabs him and takes him to the toilets, she starts unzipping his pants and he takes off her bra and her shirt.

George realizes what is happening and locks the door...

'Alright, bathroom is damaged for today, if you want to pee, please step outside.'

Inside the toilet, Ramon and Olivia are sweating and fall on the floor, giving all of their energy. Then they finish and then Olivia falls asleep on Ramon's arms.

  The next day.
School Halls.

Ramon is talking to George about his crazy night with Olivia and George pretends to be shocked...

'George, you are a terrible actor.'

'Unlike you, academy award pornstar. Congratulations you just slept with Olivia.'

'I just don't remember if I cummed inside or not.'

'This isn't the Sims, you can't get pregnant every girl just like that, then again, it's you.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'That you're a hoe, but I'm a hoe too so that's okay.'

Then Olivia appears out of nowhere and grabs Ramon. They go inside an empty classroom and Olivia closes the door...

  'Ramon, we have to talk.'

'Are you pregnant?'

'What? No, I was a virgin.'

'Oh. I'm sorry, I had no idea.'

'It's not just that, I just talked to Diana, guess what.'


'Alex just dumbed her, because she still likes you.'

'Oh crap. That sucks.'

'Yeah, we can't tell about last night to anyone.'

'Aye aye president.'

'I'm a horrible friend, how could I do that to Diana.'

'Hey, everything is going to be OK, I promise.', Ramon says to Olivia to calm her down and hugs her as Brandon is watching them from the door's window.

  In the meantime, Diana runs into George's hug and starts crying...

  'Oh no, why am I suddenly everyone's babysitter? Including your own daughter's.'

'Alex broke up with me.'

'Finally, I mean... Oh no, why?'

'He thinks that I still have feelings for Ramon.'

'Well you have.'

'Who cares? Ramon and I can't be together and Alex was good.'

'Yeah, but he was suffering because of you, sweetie...he gave everything and you didn't gave even the half.'

'I want him back and I'm going to win him back.'

Before George can tell his opinion, Diana leaves and he is left all alone in the middle of the halls.

After school.
Boys apartment.

  George finally returns home after a long night and a tiring morning to find a suitcase in front of him. He finds a leather jacket on the couch.

'I knew you would be back, you are my-'

Then he turns his head and looks at the kitchen...


'Hey pal, told ya I would be back.'


To be continued..

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