"You got it!" Sting yelled back as Rouge just waved. 

"Party?" Lucy asked me looking at me weird. 

"They found their life mates. Nothing short of a party will do. Gajeel and Wendy are going to be so excited." I couldn't help my happiness as I practically floated onto the train. 

"Life mate?" Lucy asked. 

"Dragons and dragon slayers only mate once, Lushie. Once they find their life mate they will be together forever." Happy sang as he flew landing on my shoulder. "Right Natsu?" He turned to me grinning. 

"That's right little buddy! There is nothing better than finding your mate! We will have to make it a big party, talk to Gramps and have Mira help us set everything up. Then maybe we can have a fight. Ha!" I felt as if I were filled with bubbles as I walked, even the fact that I was on the train couldn't bring me down, at least not while it wasn't moving yet. 

We found a car to take a seat in and I plopped down still grinning from ear to ear. For a moment I forgot altogether that we were on a train until it lurched forward and I felt my stomach jump into my throat. I hate transportation.

Lucy's POV

Life mate huh? I can't think of a time Natsu was so happy he didn't get sick before the train moved. It's one thing if he didn't know he was on something about to move but this was different. He knew he was getting on a train and yet he was smiling and acting as if he was the happiest guy in the world. Then the train started moving and he was back to his normal motion sick self. 

I finally took pity on him and let him lay his head in my lap like usual, for some reason he can fall asleep really easily when I do that. Like clockwork his breathing softened and his muscles relaxed, he even wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. I ran my fingers through his hair for a minute before looking up at Happy. 

I could see him gulp before I opened my mouth. "Happy, tell me everything." I glared at him as if I could rip his wings off and feed them to him. 

"Lushie?" he shuddered, planting himself as far away as he could. I just continued to glare at him until he gave in. "There is only one thing more important to a dragon than finding their life mate and that is having a baby. Whether they adopt the baby or conceive it doesn't matter to them. What else do you want to know?" he asked a little too quietly. 

"How do they find a life mate or know when they do?" I ask him.

I see him hesitate before he looks me straight in the eye and asks, "How do you know when you found the one to marry? The only real difference is that a dragon's feelings do not change so easily."

He kind of took me by surprise with that. When all things are said and done "I guess Natsu will have an easier time of dating than I ever will," I sigh out loud. I didn't even realise I said anything out loud until Happy responded. 

"Lushie, if the one he wants to be his life mate rejects him he doesn't get a second chance. He will live a lonely life. I don't really think that can be called dating..." Happy trailed off sadly. 

I was shocked I could feel my eyes go big and my jaw drop, "Has Natsu?" I couldn't finish and Happy looked away from me. I pulled Natsu closer very gently. I looked down at his peaceful face and whispered, "I will always love you, even if you don't feel the same." I refused to look at Happy knowing full well that he heard me, but thankfully he remained silent, at least for now. 

I leaned back and closed my eyes. We still had a while before we would arrive back in Magnolia so I decided it was time to take a short nap. Happy was awake anyway and from the looks of him he won't be sleeping anytime soon. 

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