Family Reunion Around Every Corner

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A year had passed.

A year.

Exactly a year.

Pidge read the number on her calendar again and again.

It was finally time to meet up. It was time for their (new) annual get together to appreciate alluras death and the fall of the galra. It was time.

But pidge wasn't quite ready she was still busy twinking with her new buddy chip. She wanted to finish but she kept getting distracted by those simple numbers on her calendar.

She was going to see Coran again today.
She was going to see keith again today.
She was going to see hunk again today.
She was going to see Shiro again today.
She was going to see...Lance for the first in over a year today...

The last time she had seen him he had yelled. She had yelled right back. Their conversation had ended in tears.

Of course hunk and keith had come to console her and of course those cookies hunk had made had really lightened the situation...but it didn't take back the awful words lance had said to her that day.

She would never be Allura. That was a fact. Even if it started out as a subjective thought. It was still the truth. She looked at one of the bolts in her hand and rolled it through her fingers. The fresh cold metal felt nice in her tiny hands the rough edges remind her she had to stay sane. It was the truth. But the truth also said that she was smart, even a genius. And if that's the only gift the world gave her she Would use her brain until her final days.

"Pidge!" Matt cslled out.  "Dads got the wormhole open For u! U ready to go?"

"Just a sec!" Pidge yelled back.

Matt walked over to her " u can finish it later pidge." He said.

"Fine!!!!! But take care of him while im gone! Here's his chip"

"What r u going to call him?"

"Chip" pidge said grinning.

"Of course go before dad changes his mind"

Pidge ran off.

She hugged her parents and got into her lion. "See u in a few quintets!"

And then Pidge was off. Today was going to be a great day and nobody was going to stop her from having a good time.

Coran was running around fixing up all that needed to be set up. He was running around like a mad man. He had so much to do and prepare. He was like an Italian grandmother two months before Christmas.

But he wouldn't forget what Allura had asked him to do. He had purposely made sure that lance would be here before the others. He was the one who had asked him to be present and talk to those kids. It was all part of his plan and it was working out actually all quite nicely.

"Coran I have all the things u asked for" lance yelled. "Well most of it" he muttered to himself.

Coran stuck his head out looking at lance who was still at the bottom of the steps.

"Forget that for Now number three and get up here for few ticks!"

Lance looked up at him confused. Why would coran want him to take a break they still had so much to do? Nevertheless he obeyed. It was better than carrying boxes of random stuff.

While he walked up the steps he started thinking about pidge. Pidge had arrived a few ticks earlier. He had seen her arrive while speaking to the kids...but she had gone to look around at the fauna and how the planet was progressing. So he had ended up alone with coran.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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