Virtual Battles of the Night

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Lance lay on his bed in his room. He already missed his family so much and allura was more upset than ever right now. Romelle hadn't even let him go see her! She was in the middle of interrogating those alteans. If they could even be considered alteans. If u asked him, they didn't even come close to alluras beauty. But how could he patiently wait here in his room when Allura needed him?!? He flinched. That huge tentacle monster had given him a headache. He had taken some aspirin and he was just waiting for the pain to go away now.

There was a sudden tap on Lances bedroom door. Who could be knocking especially after the battle they just had? Werent they tired?

Well if its anybody he thought it must be Pidge. she can survive on no energy at all.

"Pidge is that you!?!" he called out.

He started walking over to his door when suddenly it opened on its own Without his authorization.

Pidge stood there with a smug look.

She casually said "You're slow. So i hacked ur door. You're welcome"

"Of course u did" Lance said smiling a little. "What brings u to lancelots castle?!"

"Castle? More like a shoe box. But if ure wondering..."

She ran past him and jumped onto his bed holding up the famous videogame.

"Kill bot phantasm ONEEEEE!!!!!"

"Oh ur on!" Lance said before slowly quieting down. Lances smile suddenly turned into an uneasy frown.

"Whats wrong?" pidge said "i thought ud be happy"

"No its not u pidge. its Allura...i'm just worried about her. I feel kind of guilty being distracted when she's going through so much. u know?" He sat back down on his bed.

Pidge slowly climbed down amd sat next to him.

"Sorry lance ik its hard"

Lance gave her a sad smile, hoping she would give him one of those nice warm embraces or lie down on his lap. He was waiting for her to Make her usual sarcastic but funny comments to cheer him up. He liked her sarcastic truths.
But instead she stayed away. She kept her distance. There was no human contact whatsoever.

"Hey Pidge i have a question."

"Shoot" she said looking down at the floor in front of them.

"Why have u been so distant lately? And... how come u seem to be becoming urself Like...what happened? What changed?"

Pidge didn't seem to hear him. She didn't even give him any eye contact. She just kept looking ahead towards the floor.


Pidge suddenly looked up at him. It looked like she had been lost in her own daydream or whatever happened in that big brain of hers.

"Pidge?" Lance tried again leaning closer to her.

They stared at each other momentarily. Lance waited impatiently for her to break the silence. He wanted answers.

"I...just needed some space. Thats all" Pidge said turning quickly away and slipping purposefully onto his bedroom floor.

"You know honervas just stressing me out and i got a little scared of getting too close to you. To anyone actually." She said while having her knees tucked under her chin.

Lance admired her from afar watching her movements carefully. He was trying to understand her reasoning behind everything. Pidges brain however was like daedaluss maze. He couldnt even find the door to get in. If only she would give him a hint. He felt like there were still so many pieces missing from the puZzle.

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