Allurance's Breaking Point?

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Once Lance got to Alluras room he noticed she wasn't in anyway ready to talk. She was or seemed quite exhausted. So he encouraged her to sleep, dimmed down the lights and went to  lay gently next to her. He looked at her soft silky long hair and how she seemed to glow with beauty. She sparkled even in the harsh light.

She was magnificent. The pinnacle of beauty and yet... he wasn't completely happy. Ever since they had been together things had been tough. Of course he chalked it up to the fact that honerva was out there and that There were also those alteans that had exhausted aallura to the bone. There were too many problems around amd seeing the other person they loved in so much misery must be the reason why they  felt so uneasy rn. It was probably just nerves.

While sitting alone with his thoughts his his mind then shifted over to pidge. Pidge. She Was amazing. Smart. Funny amd tonight she had tried to cheer him up. He was thankful to have her be a part of his life. The moment he had met her he knew ahe would be fun to mess around with. He still couldn't figure out tho how he never knew she was a girl. How had he missed that part? Maybe it didn't matter because their friendship had rly grown from there. From the very beginning.he had alwaus just wanted to impress her He was glad that she didn't consider him a complete idiot after all.

Too bad they hadn't played that game yet. He felt bad about it. She was such a good friend and he had just bailed on her...and Yet she had told him to go. He would have to somehow make it up to her.

He thought for a long time until he could no longer keep his eyes open. His eyelids gave in and soon he fell into a deep sleep. That night for the first time in a long time he dreamt of smg other than Allura.That night as he lay on her bed his back facing his girlfriend He fell asleep dreaming about the famous katie holt who he was so fond of.

Time skip to the next day

Everybody woke up to the sound of Shiro on the intercom.

Well almost everybody...

" were going to clear day! It is optional for everybody except the Paladins of voltron Meet me in the main headquarters at 800 hrs"

Pidge had just woken up and the news did surprise her. After a bit of research she found that indeed clearday was some sort of festival...this was going to be fun? Well she hoped it would be.

Allura pov

Allura awoke with a sleepy lance by her side. He did not even hear the message.

Allura shook him awake. "Lance u must attend clear day!"

"Clear?-clear what now? I'm not clear about this! " he said holding up his hands defensively.

"Shiro commanded that we must go to clear day but im afraid that I don't feel well enough to go"

Lance looked at her bewildered. His brain was going to overload there was too much information at once!

"Allura is everything ok?"

"No i hate to admit it but i must rest. Im still very exhausted from yesterday"

"Oh..ok...well I guess I'll go for u...Allura...?"


"I just have one question"

"Yes Lance"

"What's clear day?" He said with a foolish looking smile.

Allyra couldn't help but chuckle softly as lance looked at her in complete confusion.

Allura pov

Lance had just left. She was, even though she hated admitting it, relieved. Lance was like a puppy who always needed her or did she need him?

She liked him. But she didn't know if she really loved the idea of them being together anymore...This however wasn't a priority rn. She decided to ignore it. she could deal with her emotions later. Right now she needed to rest.

Coran had told her to at least have a meal. He was of course right abt this. She gracefully took his advice only to throw up the rest of her meal a few hours later.

In the end, she could only stomach down some water and returned to her room in defeat. As she opened the door she realized she had made a terrible mistake. This wasn't her room!

That's when her legs began to buckle underneath her and she soon felt ill once again. She immediately tried to keep herself afloat by leaning against the nearest piece of furniture. She slowly made her way to a nearby chair and sat there steadily for a good 15mins. Everything was spinning. everything was becoming blurry as well. She tried hard not to throw up considering the fact that this was again NOT HER ROOM. It would be indecent to make a mess in here when it wasn't her own.

The place however already looked like quite a mess.

She tried steadying herself slowly by placing her arms on the desk in front of her and finally regained her composure. She was relieved that she now felt a little better and that the worst had passed..but that's when she noticed smg odd. She was sitting right in front of an open ratty journal...the journal seemed to be in...altean? Could it be?

She looked around the room trying to figure out who this journal belongs to. This was definitely not corans room and romelles room was always extremely tidy. This room was...again horrendously disorganized...

Her mind felt too weak for this now overwhelming and over cluttered situation. She couldn't figure out which room she was in. She only felt something tugging at her thoughts.

She slowly found herself staring at this book once again. Could it be That they were keeping secrets from her? That since she'd been so ill they'd been trying to solve other problems with these alteans she had no knowledge of? New problems That they probably feared would diminish her health even more?

The Brown and torn book lay there as if staring at her. Taunting her. It  just  stayed there wide open mocking her.

"Wide open..." she muttered to herself..."wide open..."

Alluras rage began to grow. If they wouldn't tell her, she thought, then she'd find out herself! She took the book into her delicate hands and began reading. What was it that they could not tell her?!? She would prove them wrong! She could handle the truth!

She began reading and reading until she realized a little too late what she was in fact reading...

She flipped back to the beginning and realized that in her fury rush she had skipped a very important detail. She had somehow skipped this minuscule line. How could she have missed it?!? She was terrible. She felt awful more awful than before if that was even possible...she slowly walked out of the room wanting to escape...she had gone too far... She went directly to her room this time and desperately tried to fall back asleep.

Everything made sense now. The messy room. The not super eloquent altean writing...

She wanted to forget. she needed to forget everything immediately. She didn't have a choice.  She didn't know. She couldn't have known! How did she miss that line?!? That EXTREMELY IMPORTANT LINE!  The line that said...

"Pidge signing on..."

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