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Pidge woke up to the sound of footsteps.

She had been 'sleeping' (at least, if that's what you want to call it). The whole night she couldn't stop thinking about Lance. That stupid guy was causing her so much pain and she just kept bursting into tears. She'd think about him, cry, calm herself down and then the cycle would only restart again. She hated emotions. They were such a waste of time. If only she could calm down enough to work on what she had to finish. Pidge grabbed her pillow and smashed it onto her face to muffle her exasperated scream.


That's when she heard a little sound in the distance. It was only a light sound. It wasn't loud. It was barely apparent, but Pidge was sure of one thing. Whoever it was outside was pacing. They were pacing like a mad man!

Pidge sat up. If she couldn't solve her own problems she matter as well help someone elses. She walked over to her door and opened it. But...she didn't see anybody...She listened for the sound once more.

pit pat pitter patter pit pat

It seemed to be coming from down the right side of the hall. She followed it with no enthusiasm, no fear of what it might be. She just in this moment didn't care about what was going to happen to her. She was in an odd state and probably a dangerous one at that too.

She finally made it around the corner and that's when she saw... "Allura?"

Allura turned around startled.

"Oh it's just you Pidge sorry if I woke you" she said while turning her head away and lowering her right hand once more. "I was just...thinking...that's all..."

"Well Allura if there is anything I'm good at its thinking...what's going on?" Pidge said while trying to mask all the sadness and any emotion she was feeling in her voice.

She was happy for Allura after all...even if it meant she was with someone she...also kind of maybe liked...

"Oh Pidge it's nothing you should be worried about..." she trailed off while looking far into the distance. She was definitely distracted by something.

Pidge walked slowly up to Allura and put her hand on Allura's shoulder.

"You know I'll be here for u no matter what" I smiled...a well half truth and half lie kind of smile.

What I said was true but I definitely didn't feel like smiling right now. It was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt awful and it was taking all my strength not to cry in front of her. She couldnt know about my feelings. It would ruin everything if she found out. I wish I had known before. I couldve been better prepared or even know how to control these feelings. I hate emotions! I swear I think my emotional intelligence is at zero while my iq is at full power.

Allura suuddenly looked directly at me and I could see so much sadness in her eyes. She finally hugged me and I felt like I was getting squashed. She put all her weight on me. Allura even started crying! And I thought I was sad...that I had problems...I was really a selfish person...

After a little while of this I got an idea. It was perfect. I know I'm not so great with all the mooshy stuff but I do have good ideas.

"Allura I know a place that might be better. I know a place where we can talk and we won't have to worry about anyone waking up or listening to us"

Allura sniffled and nodded.

"Great just follow me ok?"

They walked through a couple of halls, up three different staircases and even through a vent at one point. This vent led them to their fourth staircase where they exited outside a door.

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