18. Realization

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First written: March. 7th. 2020.

Edited; March. 8th. 2020.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

We ran back to the row boat that we took here, not to mention we took Rose's sword- she doesn't need it, even though we're leaving her here with those teen thieves. As fast as we can we tried to go towards land, but I convinced Peedee that we should get my paints. So, without another word, we ran all the way back to the tower, grabbing my paints in my room. Looking around I felt like I was somehow gonna miss this room, but I look down at the flag Peedee got me. Looking back at the ceiling I see that I have painted something very similar to the flag itself somehow.

Almost wherever I looked at my paintings I could somehow manage to see the sun from the flag like it was some type of hidden picture. Memories began to flood back to me, a memory of looking up at the sun while I was in a crib. Turning to the right a bit I can see that it's the king and queen from the tile painting I seen. Realization hit me like a train would, looking down at the tile painting of me as a baby I gasp. Then I remember putting on that crown "I am the long lost princess!!" I drop to my knees in shock.

The sound must've scared Peedee, since he ran in yelling "(Y/N)?! Are you okay??" His hands rest on my shoulders, but I look up at him with tears. He gasps and helps me up to my feet saying "(Y/n), what's wrong??" I break down into a sob. "Peedee.... I'm the lost princess! Everything Rose did, she did for herself! Not for me. Everything she told me about the outside world was to just make sure that I'd never leave. So I wouldn't ever figure out that I am the princess!!" We both shared the same look of shock.

With that we knew that we had to escape, using my hair we jump out of the window, seeing that Rose is standing there... waiting for us with her arms crossed. "(Y/n), get away from him!" Rose screamed as her pink curls bounced with anger, her glare being cold. I shake my head and hand him the sword "no, Rose! You get away from us!" I yell out with venom. Peedee just readies himself with a smirk as he looks at Rose, which made her look at us with shock. Then she decided to play the mother card "(Y/n), I have done nothing but protect you from the world."

I shake my head and glare at her with the same coldness that she gave the both of us one second ago "lies! I know who I am, I know what you are. You are a monster! The same monster that tore the princess away from her mother and father. The same monster that did exactly what she warned me about!...... people wanting to use my hair. The same monster that..... is gonna regret keeping me hidden for all these years" I tell her coldly. "You want me to be the bad guy, fine.... now I'm the bad guy" she says with venom in her voice.

She punched me across the face, making Peedee gasp and lose focus- giving Rose the advantage to get the sword from his grasp and stab him. I gasp and reach out for him "Peedee!!" I sceam and was about to go towards him to help. That made Rose put her hands on my hair and wrap me around saying "we're going to go back. Into the basement of the tower, where no one will ever see you, again!" I struggle against her. "Stop resisting, (Y/n)!" Rose yelled angrily, so I shake my head saying "I won't ever stop, Rose."

Her glare is ice cold, but I decide to offer her a deal, Pascal jumped from my shoulder and tried to stop her, but she just glared at him and kicked him too. I gasp and say "but... if you let me heal him, I won't ever struggle, I won't try to escape ever again. I will let everything go back to how it was all before these past few days have gone by- just let me heal him." "No, no (Y/n)" I hear Peedee groan out as he is still behind us, but Rose raises an eyebrow. Her words made me happy as she says "don't let him get any ideas, I'm just gonna be close by, (Y/n)."

I sigh and nod my head, so she untangles me from my own hair and finally let's me go to Peedee.... I wonder where her sword went. "Peedee!" I scream worried as I go over to him instantly, getting his hair out of his eyes. I begin to grab my hair, but he pushes it away saying "I can't let you do this, (Y/n)" so I cup his cheek. "But I can't let you die" I softly say as I get close to crying, but he says "but if you do this, you... will die." I softly smile and say "everything's gonna be alright" at that point I close my eyes and was about to start singing.

"Wait, (Y/n)..." he says while cupping my cheek, leaning in, knowing that he meant a kiss, I begin to lean in too.... but it wasn't a kiss. Peedee was somehow hiding Rose's sword very well as he finally made it shown by cutting my hair. I gasp at the feeling of it not being attached to me and he dropped the sword to the ground. "Peedee, what did you-" I stop myself as I feel for my hair- but it's not there anymore- now it's short. Rose starts to freak out yelling "no! What have you done?!" As we both try to grab my hair.

I watch as all of my hair turns (h/c), Rose freaking out and turning really old as she stood there, but before she could run off- she withered away. From watching that happen I feel myself tear up a bit, but I realize that Peedee is still dying right now. "No, no, no, no! Peedee..." I say as I put his upper body on my lap as I look down at him with tears. He coughed a bit as he grabbed his shirt again- probably for his very last time- out of nervousness. I begin to hyperventilate as I say "no! Look at me" as I stroked his face as I tried to think of how to save him.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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