8. Rose Realizes

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First written: March. 6th. 2020

Edited; March. 7th. 2020

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I laugh a little as I sit down while singing again-

"Just smell the grass, the dirt!
Just like I'd dreamed they'd be
Just feel that summer breeze
The way it's calling me!~"
I ran into cool water, gasping at the feeling as I look down at my own feet.
"For like the first time ever! I'm finally free!~" I sang and threw up some of the water and a bird flew around me as it chirped.
"I could go running
And racing
And dancing
And chasing
And leaping
And bounding
Hair flying
Heart pounding
And splashing
And reeling
And finally feeling!
Now's when my life begins!"
I sang out and watch as birds flew past me, Ronaldo standing there waiting for me to keep up with him. He's smiling, but I just stand here and say "I can't believe I did this!" He was about to say something. Realization hit me though, I gasp and put my hands over my mouth "I can't believe I did this." Then I smile big and turn in circles saying "I can't believe I did this!" Very loud and happily. Realization came back as I went over to a little pond and grabbed a flower to examine it.

"Mother would be so furious, but what she doesn't know won't kill her right??" I ask as I look back at Ronaldo, who is just staring at me. He sighs and walks over to me, sitting on the ground by the pond, he looks up at me with a smile. "The way Rose sounds.... if this secret could kill her, it would be amazing" we both share a laugh. I get up and walk towards a cave to explore it, but the darkness made me think again. I grab my legs and move back and forth saying "oh my gosh, this is gonna kill her!" Footsteps come in here.

"(Y/n), you'll be okay! She'll be okay, if you just don't tell her and stop talking about leaving that place, she won't ever find out about this." Ronaldo said as he put his hand on my shoulder, I look up at him with a smile and I hug him. "This is so much fun!" I say and run out as I pull him by his wrist, he struggled to keep up though. As I ran I looked around, then said "wait, I'm hungry" he smiles and says "well, let's search for a diner. There's always a lot around here" I nod my head and we go in search for this place he calls 'diner.'

Something starts moving in the bushes, so I gasp and jump scared, Ronaldo barely caught me as I jumped, but I look at the bush scared. "Is it ruffians? Thugs?! Have they finally come for me??" I ask as I point the pan at the bush. What comes out though..... is a little bunny, Ronaldo looks at me as he raises an eyebrow. "What was that about??" He asks as he sets me down, I sigh and say "my mom told me the world is dangerous. That people are after my hair, that's why she never let me leave the tower, so we can keep it."

Ronaldo looks at me confused "what would anyone want with your hair??" He asks as he crosses his arms while glaring at me confused. I nervously bite my lip and say "that is a story for another time, let's go get some food, I might just eat my lip." We laugh again, but find a weird little place that has the cutest name ever!

No one's p.o.v

As the two found the Snuggly Duckling, we're gonna be with Rose for a second, Lion begun to smell the ground, still in search of Ronaldo. When a twig snapped because Rose stepped on it, Lion smirked and walked over to a rock. He went into hiding behind the rock that was in the shape of a lions body and grabbed a branch. The branch is in the shape of a lions head- the fruit didn't really help looking like eyes either. Lion is sitting there as Rose got closer, but he jumped out of his hiding spot and roared in satisfaction.

Rose gasped and looked at Lion with an annoyed face for scaring her, Lion huffed in anger when he seen it was just her. "The palaces one and only lion... where's your rider??" Rose says, then realization hit her instantly. Rose gasped and said "(Y/n)... (Y/N)!" She began to run back to the tower, confusing Lion as he tilted his head. She ran all the way back, which surprisingly wasn't that far since she got there in about ten minutes. "(Y/n)~ Let down you HaIr!" Rose said with an accidental voice crack, but she noticed (Y/n) didn't do it.

There was only silence as Rose stood there, she gasped and ran around to the side of the tower, taking some of the pebbles off of it. She made her way inside once she moved a piece of the floor with ease, then she climbed up. Looking around she sees that it's completely dark inside and there is no (Y/n) to be seen at all. Rose ran to (Y/n)s room, throwing her blanket off the bed, just screaming (Y/n)s name in search of her. Taking things down, moving them left and right like it would help to look for her or make her pop up from thin air.

When she finally gave up on looking in the tower for the young girl, something caught her eye- it shone in some of the light that was still in the room. Rose walked over to the stair and took off the plank of wood that made it what it was. She looked inside the satchel, finding the crown quickly, she examined it, then gasped when she realized what it was. The crown dropped to the floor and tinged as it finally stopped moving, Rose looked in the satchel again. When she found the wanted poster of Ronaldo Fryman, she knew what this meant.... so she went in search.

Well, she went after she found her sword that she hid under her bed and her shield along with it, then she left the tower, in search of Ronaldo Fryman and especially (Y/n).


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


Tangled AU (Peedee x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora