6. They Meet

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First written: March. 2nd. 2020.

Edited: March. 7th. 2020.

(f/f) = (favorite food)

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"One moment, Rose!" I called out as I put my hair on the hook and let it down so she could use it to get up here "I got a big surprise!" She called out as my hair fell. The thought of the person in my closet got back in my head so I say "I got one too!" She doubted me though. "I bet my surprise is bigger!" Rose said as I pull her up into the tower, so I mumble to myself. "I seriously doubt it" I finally got her to the ledge of the window, she looks at me with a smile. "I got back from the store, I'm going to make (f/f) for dinner, your favorite. Surprise!"

I smile even bigger and say "well Rose, there's something I want to tell you" she looks at me as she puts her cape up with a smile. "Oh (Y/n), you know I hate leaving you after a fight, especially when I have done absolutely nothing wrong." I glare at her, but shake my head and regain my smile again saying "I thought about what you were saying earlier." She was quick to say "I hope you're not still talking about the stars" I raise an eyebrow at her. "Floating lights, and yes, I'm leading up to that" I correct her and start walking towards the closet.

"Because I really thought we dropped the issue, sweetheart" Rose added without even looking back at me, so I look at her and softly smile. My smile is wanting to leave from her acting like this, but I continue with trying to tell her about the person. "No Rose, you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there-" "oh darling, I know you're not strong enough." I glare at her as she looks back at me, but I shake my head and get my smile back once again. "But if you just-" "(Y/n), we're done talking about this" she interrupts me with a motion of her hand.

I'm not backind down just yet "trust me I know" "(Y/n), (Y/n)-" "oh come on!-"

"Ronaldo's" p.o.v

"Enough about the lights (Y/n)! You are not leaving this tower, ever!!" A yell woke me up.... 'am I stuck in here??' I think to myself confused. With that thought I barely push on the door, seeing as it's only wood and see that I am indeed stuck. Sighing softly I lean against the other wall and just cross my arms, I gotta be let out.... just gotta be. They can't lock me up to where I can't even get food or sunlight, someone is bound to let me out. 'Whoever (Y/n) is just got yelled at that she can't really leave this.... "tower", that voice sounded mean.'

"Ugh, great, now I'm the bad guy" 'believe me lady, you sound like you've been the bad guy' I think to myself as I roll my eyes. After that woman said that it got eerily quiet, but a new voice decided to talk to the woman. "All I was gonna say Rose, was that... I know what I want for my birthday now" 'so her birthday is coming up. Okay, weird thing to know while I'm locked up in this little space' I think to myself with a tiny chuckle. "And what is that??" The woman asked, so the girl said "new paint, that paint made from the white shelves you brought me."

"Well, that is a very long trip (Y/n), almost three days time" the woman says to (Y/n), but I think to myself 'it'd be good to be gone from you for that long.' "I just thought that it was a better idea than the... stars" 'what is this talk with stars and floating lights??' I think confused. Then the memory of the princess and the lanterns come back to me, it comes every year on her birthday. 'Funny, her birthday is very close to the princess' birthday' I think with a small smile, I really do feel bad for taking the crown though. I mean, she is bound to come back at one point, when she does she's gonna be needing the crown.

"Can you pack me some snacks as I get dressed and prepped for the trip, (Y/n)??" "Anything for you mother-" "(Y/n)" they say once again. "Anything for you Rose, you know I'll be glad to get you some food" (Y/n) says and footsteps leave from in front of me. "I'll be back in three days time.... I love you dear" "I love you more" "I....I...... love you most." 'Dang, she sounded hesitant saying that' I think and scoff at the thought, probably gaining (Y/n)'s attention. Footsteps accelerate closer, so I stand straight and have my hands up in surrender.

If this chick can knock me out easily, she is fully weaponed and I am left with only my own fists and I refuse to hit a girl, especially one who's birthday is close. Something is dragged away from the door, so I put a friendly smile on my face to reassure her. The door opens, she gasps when she sees that I'm awake "don't take any steps closer." 'Dang, would you look at how long that hair is!!' I think shocked at the length of that golden hair. I had to remember that she just threatened me, so I say "I wouldn't really even think it... you're armed, I'm not."

"I know why you're here" she says as she glares at me, I raise an eyebrow saying "I highly doubt that (Y/n), nice name by the way-" she gasped. "How do you know my name???" She asked while looking like she would throw the frying pan. I put my hands out in front of me saying "I heard.... I wanna say Rose- say your name earlier. I woke up when she yelled at you" she looks at me with a frown and sighs, but doesn't lower the pan. "Well, I'm not afraid of you!" When she said that I take in her appearance, knee length (f/c) dress and even longer golden hair.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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