15. 24 Hours

38 2 0

First written: March. 7th. 2020.

Edited; March. 8th. 2020.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"That's it~" I cooed at him, but notice him look above me, probably looking at Pascal, but he looks back down at me when I say "now sit." He doesn't sit down all the way, but got his rear end closer to the ground, so I narrow my eyes. "Sit!" I say with so much seriousness, he actually sat down on his butt, so I smile at this and nod my head. He blinks innocently at me, so I just say "now drop the boot" he jerked his head up at that. Narrowing my eyes again I repeat myself "drop it!" Then he actually dropped the boot to the ground.

I smile and start rubbing his mane saying "awww, you're such a good boy!" His tail swayed back and forth slowly as he looked like he's smiling. Knowing that I got him to calm down I just continue saying "yes you are!~" His tail is still swaying. I make him look me in the eye as I ask "are you tired from chasing bad boy around the place?" He only nodded sadly. Frowning I put my head on his mane-y chest asking "nobody appreciates you, do they? Do they??" Making him nod again. His head now resting on my shoulder from all the comfort and appreciation that I'm giving him.

"Oh come on, he's nothing but a bad lion!" Peedee says shocked and scared as he messed with his shirt a bit while looking at me. I was still petting this lions mane as I say "oh, he's nothing but a big sweetheart!" Making him pur and nuzzle me a bit. "Isn't that right.... ?" I look down to see he has a collar on- it's not really that noticeable, but I read the nametag. "Lion??" I ask, thinking that he doesn't have the best name, he was still purring as I pet him. "You've got to be kidding me!" Peedee says shocked, making Lion growl while glaring at Peedee.

I go down to his eyesight saying "oh come on, today is kind of the biggest day of my life" we both go up to our natural heights after I said that. Walking over to help Peedee up I continued "and the thing is, I need you to not get him arrested." He began to growl while looking at Peedee, who is nervously tugging at the bottom of his shirt. Seeing them acting like this, I decide to go on before Lion does anything dangerous to Peedee. "Just for twenty-four hours, then you can chase eachother to your hearts content.. okay??" I ask them both.

Peedee looked at me, noticing my hopeful face, sighs, then looks back at Lion and lifts his hand so they could shake on it, but Lion growls while looking off to the side. I didn't think I would have to add this part, but I guess I have to so Lion is in on this deal. "And it's also my birthday, just so you know" I say as I tilt my head while looking at Lion. He sounded as if he was contemplating it after he heard that, then he looks back at Peedee's outstretched hand. The two glaring at eachother now as Lion lifted up his paw to shake with Peedee, agreeing to get along.

The sound of bells got my attention, so I move their hand/paw to get past them, wanting to see why that sound was occuring right now. Finding a bridge near by, I turn to look at the boys mouthing "wow" as I turn back to the bridge and continue walking. Reaching the town I see people walking around, not questioning me about my hair or anything. The picture of a sun on a purple flag being almost wherever I looked making me smile at the sight. From not paying much attention to other people around me, I kept on getting in someone's way.

When I wasn't, my hair was being stepped on, making me jerk my head back from the action, but I try to grab as much hair as I can to prevent it. Noticing that Peedee is doing the same, I just feel dumb that we're going to have to carry my hair. Peedee looked around, noticing something I didn't and whistled, when I seen who he was looking at- I got confused. The girls that were doing eachothers hair smiled at the sight of us and ran over instantly. Realization hit quickly 'Peedee is quick to good ideas' I think to myself as I smile while looking at them braid my hair.

As they braided, they asked if I wanted flowers added, so of course I agreed, which didn't really take them long to even find a good amount of flowers. When they got done I stood up, admiring their work as I twirled around to look at my hair. A gasp leaves my mouth as I say "thank you~" After that I kind of dragged Peedee around to look at everything. Something caught my interest though.... I looked up at the painted tiles on the wall. The adults in the tile painting have (h/c) hair, but the baby girl has my eye color and hair color.

Continuing to look at it I tilt my head in confusion, but the sound of this group of musicians got my attention, so I smile and start dancing to their music. Getting people to smile at my moves and my happiness, that's when I pulled people to dance too. First I started with a little boy, next came a man who didn't want too, then it was a man who started a small link of people. Lastly I linked arms with a woman and we walked with arms linked towards the large group of people. I smile at this, dancing and clapping with the people to the music, going around I notice Peedee just standing there.

I motion him to come over to me, but he put his hands up while shaking his head with a smile, so Lion just bumped him into the crowd to dance. As people were still dancing I decided to do something else real quick, making Peedee happy. We went over to look at merchandise when we found little flags being sold from a little boy. Peedee bought me one and handed it to me, so I smile and lift it up to get a good clear look. Seeing that the group of people that I got to dance are still dancing I pull Peedee back into the crowd.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope that I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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