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Nobody's POV:

When Izuku was thinking about a week ago escaping from the pro heroes at UA, he was at home comforting his symbiotic friend who his panicking.

"Hey V what's going on?"
"Well um you know how you suddenly thought about making that girl yours right?"
"Yeah I found it very weird and not only her but I also have this feeling towards Mei as well"
When Venom heard that he decided to show his face and had a surprise look
"Oh fucking hell"
When Izuku heard that he looked at Venom with a confused and suspicious expression on his face
"V what did you do"
...... No response
Which proves something was up
"Sigh alright well I may have forgotten about you having a harem"
Izuku shouted with a surprise look on his face and he was lucky his mom's not home.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M GETTING A HAREM!"Well it's because since you have a lot of stamina thanks to me, I dont think one girl can handle you"

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"Well it's because since you have a lot of stamina thanks to me, I dont think one girl can handle you".
"Lets just.....see if theirs anyone who needs saving I dont think I can handle anymore surprises",Izuku said suddenly feeling drained
"Yeah your who do you think which girls boobs are better Ochako or Mei",Venom said with a smug voice and look
Izuku suddenly halted his footsteps and blushed crimson "WH....W....WHAT THE HELL MAN"
"Dude don't make me banned you from eating chocolate for a week"
Venom stopped laughing and had a shocked face,"No anything but that, you monster"
"Then don't put any naked images of Ochako and Mei in my head you got that"
"Good now lets suit up"
When Izuku suit was up and ready he locked the front door knowing his mom has a spare key and jumped out of the window and swung from building to building while listening music form his phone.

"Hmmm nice tune"
"Yeah it is"
While Izuku was swinging he spotted a car chase and went to intervene.

Few minutes later:

Once taking care of the criminals and escaping the heroes and police, Izuku swung building to building to get back home since their was no crime at the moment.

But he spoke too soon when he heard a cry for "HELP!" and detected 4 large individuals surrounding 1 person in a dark alleyway and it wasn't that far so he swung himself on top of a building where he can see below and saw something that made his blood boil with anger, he saw his friend Ochako and he was not going to let those bastards get away with it so he jumped and landed on the side of the building and shooting out his webs on the bastards and dragging them towards him. (ADDING THE SPIDERMAN CLIP)

When he took down the last guy he dropped him and looked at Ochako and she did the same and started walking towards him but he ran to a corner "wait",she says but when she looked he was gone, she came out and started looking for him but what she didn't is that he was behind her upside down.
"Well this is like the......what 2nd time that I got to save you huh"
When Ochako heard that she turned around and smiled to him,"well it seems to me that you've been stalking me",she says with playfulness in her voice
"Well I was in the neighborhood"
"Your really amazing",she says
"I don't think the heroes think so"
"But you are"
"Nice to have a fan",Izuku was really happy that he's got a friend like her plus including Mei.
"Well as a thanks for saving me again, I think a hero deserves a award",Ochako says
When Izuku heard that he saw Ochakos hands going towards his mask and suddenly said wait, she stopped for a second and then proceed to remove only reveal his mouth and nose and she closed in on the space between them and their lips met, it was full of passion and the both of just wanted to be with other, after about a few seconds their lips parted and Izuku swung himself home leaving Ochako to smile happily  and looking up.

When Izuku got home he was in front of the door without his suit on and turned the knob to see if it was locked when it was he sighed in relief and put the key in the door knob to unlock the door and get inside.

Once he got inside he saw an envelope  with the UA's Insignia on it when he grapped it he got into his room, sat on his chair and started to open the envelope and inside was a small disc and it started to activate showing a holographic image of the Principal of UA,"Hello am I mouse,dog,bear know one knows but I'm the Principal, dear Mr.Izuku Midoriya on behalf of the School I would like to congratulate you for having a 98% score on the written exam and would like to welcome you to the General Course of UA thank you and welcome to your academia"

Izuku was proud that he got in and so was Venom however before they can celebrate their Spider-sense was tingling and heard "this device will self-destruct in 5 seconds" and Izuku with the help of Venom grapped the device and throwed out of the open window really far until they heard small boom from the distance.

Izuku's POV:

I just sighed and layed down on my bed and started to smile thinking about the kiss I got from Ochako
"Hmmmm well congratulations you got your first kiss", Venom said
I was still in Lala land thinking nothing can ruined my day now until Venom decided to whack me with his tendrils and saying he wants chocolate and I told him their in the desk drawer and he zoomed straight for it and gobbled it up and I just laughed lightly and relaxing.
"Sigh my life's something".


Spider-Izuku VenomisedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora