CHAPTER 2: Meeting Venom

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Nobody's POV:

Izuku was shocked and little bit shaken that this black goop was the voice that he heard and that it suddenly was talking right in front of him.
"U....ummm well hello my name is Izuku Midoriya and what do you mean I'm yours?" He said while stuttering

Venom looked at Izuku and said,"it's exactly as I said you are mine, the reason being is because I'm sort of a symbiote and I need a host to survive"

Izuku was shocked that this thing.... a symbiote actually bonded with him a useless nobody

Venom interrupted him saying "You are not useless from what I am seeing through your memories you were treated this because you didn't have those so called Quirks but with me I can help you"

"How?", Izuku said with confusion
"My species are called klyntar we have the ability to bond with our host and give them a boost in power, I actually had to bond with some hosts that had the potential like my first host Peter Parker", Venom said with pride swelling on his face.

Izuku was quite speechless hearing that Venom can give him a power similar to quirks not only that but hearing that his first host was the American Hero: Spiderman from more than a hundred years ago made him  very excited

"So your saying is that I can have the same abilities like spiderman", Izuku said with glee

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, I can also copy weapons for you to use, make you 100 times stronger than even Allmight himself maybe more, you also have regenerative abilities",  Venom said.

Izuku was beyond shocked to think he can have his dream be made into a reality, he was so excited until he remembered all the pain from his so called best friend, his classmates and even his teachers and principal at least his Mom still believes in him that he is grateful for.

Izuku's POV:

Now I have the power to save people but I don't want to wait too long otherwise their might be Villians who cause alot of casualties, I know for a fact that the heroes of this generation only care about themselves than others just to look good so...... mumble mumble mumble.

Nobody's POV:

While Izuku was thinking, Venom was bit weirded out hearing his host speaking at a very fast rate
..... no response
.... still no response
So Venom decided to shout his name right in his ear
Izuku shouted while clearing the ringing out of his ears
Geez Venom sorry about that, I guess I was spaced out at the moment

"Yh you were, anyways what were you thinking about cause i couldn't understand that at all", Venom said with a questionable and curiosity

"Well just thinking instead of being a hero, I can be a vigilante", Izuku said

"Um... aren't vigilantes considered villians?", Venom said

"Well yeah but they do hero work but illegally, what I want to do is change that, I'm going to be the hero everyone needs be it being small or a large task even if i can't save all.....
Izuku was interrupted by Venom saying, "Actually you can save people at the same time, remember I can multitask and don't forget I can literally copy quirks"

"OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THAT", Izuku said with a surprised face.

When Izuku calmed down he decided to go home so his Mom wouldn't be worried.

Small time skip:

After calming down his Mom saying he's ok, he went in his room, getting dressed in his sleeping wear and went to bed.

Izuku's POV:

Tomorrow I'm going to train since it will take 10 months for me to get into UA
"Yeah and we'll show those heroes what a true hero really is", Venom said.

Yeah tomorrow training to be vigilante then go to UA General Ed

"Hmmmm.... I see your reason for choosing that course alright well good night Izuku", Venom said tiredness in his voice.

"Good night Venom", I said.



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