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Nobody's POV:

In the Nap room we see Toshinori,Mirio and Izuku

Mirio:Ah Yeah you are Here...hehehe sorry I couldn't help myself

Toshinori:it's alright and Young Midoriya I'm sure you met Young Togata who's serving a Hero Work-Studies under Nighteye

Izuku:hmmmmmm I see

He said it while smiling a bit

All Might asks Mirio if Izuku is fit to work under Nighteye. Mirio now understands that All Might wants him to introduce Izuku to Nighteye.

However, Mirio does not understand why he must be the middleman when All Might could introduce Izuku by himself since Nighteye is always watching videos of him.

All Might does not feel comfortable meeting Nighteye because he became exactly what Nighteye warned him about

Mirio asks Izuku what Hero he wants to become. Having experienced much to get to this point and having gotten so much support from everyone around, in order for all of that to be a payoff, Izuku says aloud that he wants to be the best Hero of them all but on inside he's trying not to blow a gasket from the amount of bullshit he's getting while going Vigilante mode

Venom:I said I was sorry man
Izuku:go fuck yourself
Venkm:believe I've tired that more ways than I can count man

Although Izuku's goal is all over the place, Mirio cannot refuse and accepts to introduce Izuku to Nighteye.

As Izuku thanks Mirio, All Might thinks back to when Nezu recommended Mirio as One For All's successor; while his grades are subpar, his presence is impressive and his smile cannot be exterminated which fits the bill for All Might's description of a great Hero.

All Might ponders that if he had not met Izuku, Mirio would have been his successor.

Izuku looked at Allmight asking if he was ok which his response was that he was fine

Izuku only looked at him for a few seconds until he turns his attention back to Mirio but Izuku was thinking that Toshinori was having second thoughts towards this meaning......who should have been his successor

Izuku sighed internally but he'll think things through..hopefully

It was now the weekend and Izuku was just walking outside of the dormitory and meeting up with Mirio after saying goodbye to the others

After the one hour on the train they finally arrived at Sir Nighteyes office

Mirio mentions that Sir Nighteye is quite strict, which Izuku understands after hearing that he is a Hero famous for doing his jobs in a stoic demeanor. Mirio informs Izuku about another side to Nighteye and warns him that from now until he is finished talking with Nighteye, he must make him laugh at least once.

This completely confused Izuku but he just shrugged his shoulders before he opened the door he smelled the scent of a woman inside making his fangs show but when he opened the door well

Venom was also thinking the same thing but that went down south

Vemom:ooooooh hello titties
Izuku:V not now

Nighteye gazes at Izuku looking intimated but to Izuku he had a bored look and just sighed

Izuku:I got rid of all my Allmight merchandise cause of our little argument but......I have to do the fucking face *sigh*

Izuku then did something and that was....making the face

Izuku:My Name is Izuku Midoriya AND I AM HERE

However, Nighteye was unamused and wonders if Izuku is making fun of All Might criticizes Izuku for making an improper All Might expression, telling him about All Might's proper expression. Izuku looks around the room and sees All Might merchandise and begins realizing that Nighteye is an All Might superfan. Not impressed, Nighteye asks Izuku to leave, but Izuku responds that he made that expression from the Vinegar Riverbank Incident in which a middle schooler who could change the properties of water to vinegar was drowning; All Might saved him but suffered injuries to his eyes as a result of the vinegar. Nighteye is well aware of the incident, but since it is unremarkable it is seldom brought up on fansites.

Izuku was having a struggle trying not to go after Bubble girl because of Venom who was giving him versions beyond versions of her I different clothing and how she's positioned and also.....WHAT SHE'S WEARING ISN'T HELPING HIM AT ALL

As Nighteye and Izuku continue discussing, Mirio releases Bubble Girl and tells her that Izuku is an underclassman of his. Nighteye gets down to business and surmises that Izuku wants an Work-Studies under him. Izuku brings out the contract. Nighteye informs Izuku that his Work-Studies will be harsh where he will have to work several days in the week, be employed for at least a month and will be forced to take many absences

Although the working conditions are harsh, Izuku still wants to work an Work-Studies under Nighteye. Nighteye takes the stamp but does not stamp the contract. He does not feel like stamping the contract because he does not feel that he will benefit from hiring Izuku and notes that his company is doing fine with two sidekicks and one student intern. Nighteye wants Izuku to demonstrate his abilities and how they can be useful to society. Nighteye explains that All Might's abundant power and humor granted hope to those frightened by crime which is why he is adored to the masses.

Nighteye gives Izuku a challenge to demonstrate himself; he must take the stamp from him within three minutes and if he wishes to work at his company as a Hero, he must stamp the contract himself to become his official intern. Nighteye orders Mirio and Bubble Girl to leave. After walking out, Bubble Girl asks Mirio if he needed a practical interview like Izuku, to which Mirio replies that Nighteye nominated him so he did not need one

Izuku just sighed

Izuku:there's no telling what he'll do after this is over make sure he doesn't see my future V you better make sure that doesn't happen

Venom:Don't worry I'll make sure our secret won't be revealed to him


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