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Izuku's POV:

Waking from my slumber I got out of bed, went to the shower so I can get ready for school "sigh" great just fan-fucking-tastic.

Nobody's POV:

When Izuku was finished with the bathroom, he got out and went to the full view mirror and what he saw really surprised him, the reason is that he's not scrawny but with well-toned muscles and 8 pack abs.

When Izuku was finished with the bathroom, he got out and went to the full view mirror and what he saw really surprised him, the reason is that he's not scrawny but with well-toned muscles and 8 pack abs

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(Remove the scars from Izuku and your good)

"Uhhhhhhh.......Venom what did you do?", Izuku said with astonishment.
"Well I decided to change your body during when you were asleep that way you can finish with your strength training earlier than expected",Venom said with pride.
"Wow thanks, hey do you think you can change into my uniform?" Izuku said.
Then Venom spread himself on Izukus body to resemble his school uniform
When he was done, Izuku got out of his room and said Morning to his Mom and ate breakfast and left to go to school.

Small time skip to lunch

When Izuku was going to have a seat to eat his spider-sense suddenly alerted him that something was about to happen and dodged a projectile without looking.

"Well that was something",said Izuku
"HEY DEKU WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" Izuku heard, when he turned to the sound and realized it was Bakugou and he did not look happy

"What do you want?",Izuku said while standing up
Bakugou was surprised when Izuku wasn't cowering like he use to but shook of that thought and said "WHAT I MEAN IS HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT WERE YOU LYING TO ME ABOUT BEING QUIRKLESS HUH!"

When Izuku heard that he suddenly got angry maybe it was Venom helping him or it's just his emotions getting the better of him either way it doesn't matter when Izuku said"Wow so just because that not too long ago you think I was lying to you about me being quirkless, you must be one hell of bastard and major pain in the ass to come up to that conclusion".

But Izuku wasn't done and shouted out something to bakugou that really made him mad "YOU FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE I HOPE NO GIRL EVER COMES NEAR YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH 🖕"
"Wow I'm impressed",Venom said with surprise from his voice.

"DEKU YOUR DEAD", bakugou shouted while coming after Izuku.
(I'm going to use a scene from spiderman so you all can get a idea about it)

While the fighting was over, the principal saw fit to send both Izuku and Katsuki to his office and call both of the boys Mothers.

In the end Katsuki got the punishment rather than Izuku the reason being Izuku got alot of evidence to close down the school for good.

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