New Girl

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You looked over the card that Koji fellow left for you as you stood in the gym locker room. Perhaps. Lips pursed as you tapped it anxiously against your knuckles before you set it in your locker and headed for the showers.

I'll have to hit up the laundromat after this. You thought as you scrubbed and exfoliated. An endless list of things you had to do bombarding your thoughts, you sighed. I wonder if that karaoke bar has good food. You silently hoped he wasn't a creep while you rinsed off. I'll just ask mom...I guess.You slid on your clothes for the day and pulled your hair up. Taking a deep breath as you started your car and called your mother.

"What's wrong?" She answered, her voice dripping in concern. No "Hello!" or "How's my girl?" like she normally said.

"Mom, please." Your lip quivered and breath shook. "I could feel it, tell me what happened." She pressed.You broke and explained everything, sobbing uncontrollably in the gym parking lot.

"I screwed up, mom."

"I'm trying to fix it."

"I'm not ready to come home, but I feel that I need to."

You wiped away your tears forcefully, trying to get your breathing under control. "Baby..." How did she sound so calm? "Do you still have your emergency ticket money?" She asked softly. "Come on home." You sniffed. "I have it, but I'm so deep in the negatives right now if I try to get it the bank will take what I owe. I won't have enough to come home." You shook your head. "I'll just transfer the lease on my car while I still can."

"No, no. Then you wouldn't have anywhere to be until your flight. Just....just give me some time. I can-"

"Mom, no!" You choked out. "I don't want to ask that of you. I'll be okay, I'll-"

"Hush! You go on to that karaoke man and see if he'll hire you. I'll see what I can work out on my end."


"What did I say?" That maternal authority slipped out with ease. "Will I get the job, mama?" Tears still flowing freely. "You will, he'll give you a dollar fifty more if you sing."


"Go on now. Go make some money. I love you."

"I love you too, mama." You choked up again hearing her hang up. Thankfully, her clairvoyant quirk let you know the outcome. "Okay...." You sniffed, rummaging through the glove box for tissues, napkins, anything to wipe away the mess on your face. "I can do this."

You followed your GPS as far as you could to the karaoke place, not knowing it was in an outlet of some sort. "No place to drive, guess I'm walking from here." After finding a place to park and waiting for your eyes to lose their pink tint, you hopped out, searching for the bar. Trying to match the logos on the buildings to the one on the business card. You hadn't expected it to be in such a busy part of town since he came to your little restaurant. There were so many options. Between the restaurants, boutiques, and bars for drinking, gaming, drinking and gaming, you didn't know how to feel or what to explore first on your next day off. "Well, at least there won't be a dull moment." You breathed out, still looking. Oh shit. Nevermind, you found it. Two stories tall, gray with purple neon lighting, balconies and seating protruding from its front. Foliage intertwined in the railing and sprouting little blue flowers. "Wow."

Up the steps you went, just a few, but still a feat you conquered with your heavy heart. To your left and right there was more seating, metal, black and elaborately shaped. He must get serious business. You thought opening one of the double doors, music pouring out as you stepped into the empty building. What in the Harry Potter? The inside looked larger than life, the second floor having an open plan. A restaurant, bar, karaoke, or all of the above? To your right was the stage, huge and t-shaped, surrounded by tables. The walls were lined with booths straight and round. I'm assuming it looks the same upstairs, minus the stage. You took note of how the tables were set, a clear path made for traffic, and to your right was the bar. Never seen so much liquor in my life. You shuffled in quietly, gazing at the high display of bottles sitting on glass shelves. "Can I help you?" SHIT. You jumped at the sudden voice, your head snapping in its direction.

She looked a bit older than you, the owner of that voice, her lips pursed and blatantly dyed red hair tickling her shoulders. "Uh..hi." You waved shyly. "Is there a Koji here by chance?" The woman crossed her arms, eyeing you from the other side of the bar. "That depends on who's asking." Oh it's like that. "He left me his card." You flashed the small thing at her. "Hm...take a seat." She made her about-face and left, heading towards the back maybe. You couldn't really tell, you just sat down like you were told.

You scrolled through your phone while you waited, a sudden ping in your chest. I wonder if... All Might's number was at your disposal and you hadn't contacted him yet. I really can't believe that he would just give me that. You opened a new message. Maybe it's just a fan line. You shook your head doubtfully and closed the app. A good ol' brain numbing candy game would get your mind off that subject for now. You tapped away, bobbing your head to the music playing. "This is my jam though." A smirk playing at your mouth as you absentmindedly sang along.

Have I ever told you

That I spend my evenings howling to the moon 

And it feels like every star is shining through

I think I doubt you would doubt me too

You gon' doubt me too.

The bass hit a lot different than in the bar than in your car, you kept bobbing while playing your game, already knowing your time here would be well spent.

Oh Is it something in the way

Oh she telling me I changed

Lord knows I'm tryin'

I just got to draw the line

And go get my peace of mind

Lord knows I'm tryin'

Clap. Clap. Clap.

SHIT SQUARED. You jumped again, looking towards the aggressor approaching you. "A siren!" They exclaimed. That must be -

"Koji." A taller man with jet black hair pulled into a bun. Obvious sense of style and a kind smile under milk chocolate eyes. He held his hand out to shake. Whaaaaaat? You stood and took hold, shaking firmly and introducing yourself. "I'm glad you came." He motioned for you to sit back down as he took a seat. "I'm glad you left your card, thank you."

"I'll get straight to the point then." Koji sat forward, arms rested on the table. "When can you start?"

Oh...oh damn. "Today." You answered honestly, watching his smile bare teeth. "Fantastic." He turned to the window you sat next to. The early afternoon crowd bustling, up and down the walkways. "Out here, this area is flooded with natives. Entrepreneurs and patrons." You listened looking out as well. "I am looking for variety. I want the tourists and immigrants, like yourself, in my establishment. I'm craving something different and I want you to help me start that."

You understood. He was about that cash and you, the foreigner, were a means to it. Did you care? Kinda. But it was a paycheck. "What do you say?" Koji turned back to you, his hand out once more. "Are you in, my siren?" Fuck it. "I'm in." You grabbed his palm and shook.

"Cherry!" Koji led you to the back, down halls colored the same as the exterior with a slightly darker repeating pattern, the floorboards creaked with every other step. The redhead from earlier cut a corner to meet the two of you. Cherry? Oooooh, the hair. "I'm going to leave you under her care for training." Koji lied his hand on your back, pushing you towards her. "Don't worry, it's easy stuff." He gave an encouraging smile and disappeared down a connected hall. "Hello again, Cherry." You waved. "Sup, new girl." Her gum popping as she sized you up, grass green eyes over her slim cat-eye sunglasses. "This way." She motioned with her head for you to follow.

"He's right about it being simple stuff." Cherry looked over her shoulder for a moment leading you into what you assumed was a break room. Not to say it was bad, it just needed some TLC and maybe a fresh coat of paint. "You wait tables, maybe work the bar, clean, and you get on stage when he tells you." She plopped down on one of weathered couches, a coffee table between you. "Let me see what you got."

"What?" You raised an eyebrow. "Your quirk, dummy. Ya got one?"

"O-oh! I's just not very strong bec-"

"We're not heroes here, we don't care about strength." Cherry cut you off rolling her eyes. "Alright then..." cupping your hands together you made a blue bubble, no bigger than a grapefruit and solid. "Dang, new girl, you might be good for something."

Time in a Tree (All Might x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now