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Everything felt so.. new. He was surrounded by an unfamiliar setting, both frightening and comforting at the same time. He was surrounded by tall beams coated by something brown and flakey. He sat on the ground which was covered in a soft blanket of green fuzz. The sky above him was growing darker, but hints of the bright ball that rose and fell from the sky still remained. The colors in the sky were bright and kind of matched his color scheme. 

He looked down at his plates, the bright colors reflecting off of his visor. He frowned beneath the facial mask, the one he didn't know how to remove. How long had it been since he had awoken? He couldn't really remember. He knew what time was like here now; 24 one hour cycles. He had learned a few things by listening in to the tiny, squishy, adorable creatures that lived on this world. 

Whatever world he was on.

He felt so out of place here. He knew he didn't really belong, he wasn't like the other. He wasn't like the cute furry things that ran away from him. He wasn't like the intelligent two-legged beings that seemed to rule in several places, the ones he somehow felt he should hide from.

He was something.. mechanical, if he heard that one being right.

Maybe it wasn't so bad. It was rather peaceful in this place of 'nature'. He didn't like being lonely, but he supposed it could be worse. He wished there was something to do, but it was alright, what he was doing now. Every day, he would leave the giant orb he had seem to come in, go out and explore, and then sit in this place until he was ready to go back. If he counted right, he knew that he had been here for... one hundred of those 24 hour cycles. 

Strangely, every time a new cycle arrived, he felt a little more drained of energy. Every time the giant fireball rose in the sky and a new cycle began, something bright flashed in his visor, a small beeping playing around him as if to warn him of something. He assumed the bright dots and lines were words, but he couldn't read them. He didn't know what the sound meant either. Each cycle, it grew louder and more infuriating. He wished it would go away, but he didn't know to make it do so.

And he was getting a little too tired to care.

Maybe it had something to do with the glowing spheres back in his broken orb? Each day, when he looked at the giant stockpile, he felt some urge, growing stronger and stronger as time went by. It made him wonder if had anything to do with him, if he needed it, or if he truly even wanted it. Thinking about it now, it frustrated him that he didn't know these things.

Shouldn't he know where he came from? What he was? Who he was? Where he was?

Mostly he just wanted someone to talk to. 

Sighing behind the mask, he turned to look at one of the tall beams, or 'trees' if he had overheard that correctly. On one of it's extending pieces was a small furry creature, so tiny he could lift it with the tip of his finger. It had a puffy tail and a tiny face, with cute black eyes. He thought the creature was adorable.

"I don't suppose you'd like to talk with me?" he said aloud, leaning over a little to get a better look at it. "If you're not busy, little guy." 

The little critter stared at him for a moment, but as he moved, it became frightened and scampered away, making shrill little noises as it fled. He was a little startled by its sudden movement, leaning forward even more in desperation.

"Hold on! I'm not scary!" he pleaded, looking for it in the mop of green. "Was it something I said?" He continued to look for it, but when he realized that it was gone, he sighed and slumped in defeat. 

Then he heard a noise. 

He perked up, looking back to the tree to see if it was the tiny thing. However, when it did not return, he realized the noise was coming from somewhere else. He couldn't identify what the sound was coming from, but he could tell it was getting closer. Whatever it was was coming right for him. He tilted his head curiously, wondering if it was another one of those lean red creatures with the big tails, long snouts, big ears, and skinny legs. He soon found out that it was coming very fast, growing quicker and quicker as it approached. 

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