I quickly slid down in front of him and moved my hands to his knees that were pushed against his chest. I took my hands to his, that were covering his face and removed them so I could see his face. When I did this, I felt my heart shatter even more. His eyes were glossy and he seemed paler. His hair was a mess and tangled together. "Hey, Harry calm down."

I tried to sooth him by whispering sweet things to him, which luckily seemed to calm him down. When Harrys sniffles had finally subsided, I took a deep breath and asked him, "Whats wrong?"

He quickly looked away from my face and removed his hands from mine. He moved his glossy eyes to the ground and took a long deep breath of his own. I waited patiently for his answer. All I wanted to do was make him feel better. I had never seen Harry in this state and I sure as hell never wanted to see him like this again.

When Harry finally answered my question, I felt my own eyes widen and my heart shatter even more, if that was even possible. The one word that came out of his mouth made me feel things that I have not felt in such a long time. Sadness, Anger, and most of all Heartbreak. The one word he said, made all the feelings of hope and happiness for me and Harrys confusing relationship vanish. The one feeling I was most scared of came true, Heartbreak. I had only felt such an extreme type of heartbreak before, which was when my mom died. This heartbreak with Harry was almost as painful, but a new feeling arose. Stupidity.

How stupid could I be to thing something would happen between us, when he says things like that. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I replayed the word that came out of Harrys lips.


I slowly removed my hands from Harrys knees and took a deep breathe. How stupid could I be? One of the reasons I did not want to get involved with Harry was because I knew deep down he was not over his breakup with Camille, but I pushed those feelings aside. I thought that maybe he could get over her. That maybe I could be the one to make him forget all of the feelings he had for Camille. But how stupid could I be, feelings do not disappear over night, when you love someone.

Love. Love was something Harry obviously still had for Camille and something that would not go away in such a short period of time. How could I be such an idiot to fall for someone who was still head over heals for someone else. How stupid of me.

As much as it hurt me and all I wanted to do was go back in my own hotel room and cry my feelings out I could not do that to Harry. As much heartbreak I was feeling, I could not walk away from the man that had brought so much sunshine and happiness in my life. Even if I was feeling the complete opposite now, he made me feel things I did not know I could feel again. I could not walk away from the man that I loved.

So I quickly stood up from my spot in front of him and moved to his side and embraced him. I moved my arms around him and cradled him softly, while whispering comforting things to him. He cuddled into me and cried softly in my neck. As he continued to cry, I felt tears begin to slip down my own cheeks.

Just as things were starting to get good again. I thought deep down that we had something, but obviously now I realized I was just a distraction. A distraction from his broken heart. I guess all I was to him was a meaningless fuck. He wanted a distraction, but my heart was sacrificed for him to be distracted by his own broken heart and love.

As I tried my best to comfort him by rubbing his back and tightening my hold on him and got to thinking. Me and Harry had many things in common.

We both got easily drunk.

We both got that rush of adrenaline on stage.

We both loved singing and writing.

We both were in love with someone, who did not feel the same.

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Aye! I'm back! Sorry for not posting all last week, I was on vacation! I am back now and ready to write again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for all the support. It means the world to me!

Remember to TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS and stay safe! :)

Love you all!

-Lexie xx

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