Feeling as though I was crawling out of a dark abyss, I finally was able to open my eyes. As soon as I open my eyes. I saw the most beautiful face staring at me with a small smile on her face. Grabbing her around the waist i pulled her down on top of me, "Well good morning gorgeous, gotta say this is the best view i've ever woken up to." I stated with a gentle kiss to her nose. Watching her cheeks fill with a blush has got to be one of my favourite things, especially when i'm the one cause the blush. Just staring at Mara can get my heart pounding like no other, Goddess, I sound like such a girl.

"Tristan, let me go!" She squealed wiggling around trying to get me to let go, all she accomplished though is having my mini me react to her being on top of me. Groaning softly i look in her eyes and whisper, "You might want to stop squirming around if you aren't ready for me to do more than just kiss you right now my love." Blushing she froze and just looked at me.

"Tristan, you can't just say that! You're still my brother, we can't do that stuff, it's not right." Looking completely broken she flipped off of me, attempting to walk out of the room. I grabbed her arm, "well i guess we need to go for this breakfast then because we have a whole lot to talk about. How do you feel about stopping at the cafe down the road and going to your special place?" I stated, watching her eyes go wide. Obviously she thought she had imagined meeting the Moon Goddess so I whispered to her, "Yes my love, I met her too. We have a whole lot to talk about." Looking guilty she pulled away again.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you, I didn't think you would believe me so i just thought that since she said she was going to visit in your dreams that you would be better off hearing it from her."

"Its okay Mara, she already explained it to me, she also told me it's completely okay and normal for me to kiss you so hush and let me do what i've wanted to do since i woke up to your gorgeous face." She didn't get a chance to reply before i pulled her back to my bed and flipped us over so she was underneath me, kissing her until she was completely breathless. "Now my love, how about you go get dressed and so will I, then i'll take you out for breakfast and our chat?"

"Okay. I love you Tristan." She responded seeming completely disoriented and breathless.

"I love you too Tamara, more than you know." I breathed, allowing her to get up and head back to her room. Hopping out of bed and running around my room trying to figure out what to wear. Is it a date? I mean she's my sister, do i have to dress up nice for her still? Technically we don't know why it's okay for us to have these feelings so it can't be a date yet, right? Fuck why am i the one all girly about this shit? I hope she's nervous too! Fuck it! She's my sister, she has to love me no matter what right? Grabbing a random black shit and a pair of blue jeans from my closet I hopped into my shower. Wanting to rush back to Mara i had the fastest shower of my life. Throwing my clothes on I sprayed some cologne and went downstairs. Seeing both of my parents packing in the dining room i walked up to them, "Mom, D-dad, Tamara and I are running out to breakfast then we will be back to pack the rest of our stuff. When are we leaving anyways?" I asked, stuttering over calling him dad. He's not actually my dad, why should i have to call him that? He's an asshole anyways. Plus it's not like she's much of a mother anyways, especially with her lying about who my actual dad is.

"We are leaving tomorrow first thing in the morning. The movers will be here later on today to take everything away. We will stay in a hotel tonight." Mom replied looking at me weirdly. "Why aren't you both going to school? Just because we are leaving doesn't mean you can skip! We did not raise you to be like that!"

"Oh whatever mother! There's no point in us going there. We don't have anyone we want to say goodbye too in this shit hole of a town anyways so it doesn't matter." Tamara cut in surprising me. "Well we will see you later on then. Bye Mother, Charles." she started grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room all the while hearing mother yelling at us.

"How dare you disrespect your father like that! You do not call him by his first name! What is wrong with you!" She screamed chasing us out of the house. Pushing me towards the passenger seat Mara hopped in the drivers seat and sped like a speed demon out of the driveway.

"When did you get the balls to act like that to them?" I asked with a small chuckle.

"Ummm, well i guess when i realized that woman never let us know our real father. We never had the chance to meet him because of her. If it wasn't for her we could of had a real father that actually loved-- us." Her voice breaking made my heart feel like it was cracking.

"Well my love, I think this chat we are going to have will make you really happy then." I grabbed her hand kissing her palm and intertwined our fingers. "I love you princess. Everything is going to get better. That's a promise." The determination in my voice had her looking over at me a bit confused but she seemed to let it go, at least for now. 

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