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Tamara's POV

As I started coming back from where ever I was i could feel someone shaking my shoulders, faintly hearing, "Tamara, come on, not again! Please be okay! I'm sorry I left you alone. It will never happen again! I love you so much Mara, you're my twin, my other half, you have to be okay! Please God, let her be okay!" Slowly peeling my eyes open, I realized it was Tristan holding me. Looking around I realized we are still in the clearing, further away from the cliff that I remember though. Looking back at Tris, I could see his eyes are closed like he's praying, whispering over and over, "Please god, please, i need her." under his breath.

"It's actually Goddess Tris." I whispered back at him with a small smile on my face as Tris opens his eyes and whips his head around to meet my eyes.

"Tamara Jill! How fucking dare you scare me like that again? You promised you wouldn't hurt yourself again! You said you would never leave me! How could you -----" He started screaming, before I cut him off, looking him directly in the eyes, "I didn't do anything Tris, I think I just fainted. I'm okay, I promised you I wouldn't leave you, I'm not going to break that promise. Although some strange things happened when I passed out." I trailed off, not sure if he would actually believe me if i was to bring up what happened. I don't even know if i believe what happened, maybe it was just a crazy dream. I mean honestly, werewolves? That's just a fairytale, there's no way they exist. You know that it wasn't a dream Tamara. I hear a small voice whisper in my head. What the hell was that? Who are you? What is happening to me? Am I going crazy? You'll find out everything soon, I promise. The Mood Goddess will visit Tristan in his sleep tonight to explain to him what you already know. Tomorrow I will find a way to bring it up to him. The voice whispered. Okay... do you have a name? Who are you? Am I just talking to myself? You'll find out soon. On your 17 birthday, all secrets will be revealed whether you want to find out or not. She stated before I could feel her fading away from my thoughts. What the hell is that supposed to mean? God, I must be going crazy. Looney bin here I come!

"Tamara! God what is happening today?" Tristan screamed in my face.

"Sorry, i umm i just blanked out again i guess." I mumbled feeling really guilty for causing him so much stress today. "I'm sorry Tris, I'm the worst sister ever." Tears were streaming down my face but i didn't want to wipe them away, worried Tristan would realize i was crying and get more upset.

"Hey hey no, if anyones a terrible sister that would have to be Trishana." He told me with a slight smile on his face, while lifting my chip and wiping all my tears away. "I Love you Tamara, I'm just worried about you. What were you talking about? I will always believe everything you tell me. You know that, you're my number 1 i would never believe someone else over you."

"I know Tris, you probably would call me crazy if i told you this though." I saw the frown on his face, making me feel super guilty so i started back tacking, "I mean it's okay Tris, i think i'm crazy right now too. How about tomorrow morning when we both get up we go out for breakfast and we can talk about it there?" I rushed out, hoping he would agree then we can figure this out as soon as we possibly can.

"Okay Mara, if that's what you'd like then we can do that. I just want you to be happy T, you are the only person in my life that I would die for, no questions asked." The honesty in his eyes when he spoke those words had my eyes watering and my heart pounding in my chest.

"I know Tristan, I would do absolutely anything for you to." I whispered, staring into his blue eyes, getting lost in them. I found myself leaning closer, staring at his lips, wanting to press them against my own. Getting completely lost in my thoughts until, suddenly we heard a throat clear and jumped apart, me landing right on my backside because he dumped me off of his lap. Looking up i realized that it was a small boy, "Umm hi, are you lost buddy?" I asked him softly, hoping not to scare him.

"I don't think so, my dad should be over there somewhere. He can't be too far away." He said pointing towards the thick forest on the opposite side of the path.

"Are you sure buddy? Maybe I should go with you to help you find your dad?"

"No No No, daddy would get mad if i brought someone back with me, im okay he can probably smell me from here anyways and that's why he hasn't come looking for me. Bye!" He spoke so softly I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear the end of that but alright he seemed to know he was around anyways.

"What do you think he meant by he could smell him Tris?" I asked, looking up at him, noticing he was already staring at me. I already knew the answer but wanted to see how he was reacting to the child's strange words.

"Huh? I'm sorry? What did you say? Where did that kid go?" He looked so cute swinging his head around all confused.

"Never mind Tris." I muttered, obviously frustrated with him for not listening or paying attention to anything that just happened.

"I'm sorry T, please don't be mad, it's just you are so beautiful. I never... Never mind, it's okay. Let's just head home." I couldn't even respond before he was already turning around and walking away from me, towards the car.

"What the hell Tristan? What don't you want to tell me? Since when do we keep secrets from each other?" Stomping my feet and whining I realized I was probably acting like a child, but honestly I just don't understand. We always told each other everything. We never hide things from each other. What did I do to make him not trust me?

"God no! Tamara it's not your fault, I just don't know. I'm so confused and I don't want to scare you with the thoughts going through my head."

"You could never scare me away tristan. You are literally my other half." The Moon Goddess's words kept repeating in my head, The werewolf king's children. I mean, obviously growing up I thought there was something wrong with me because both Tris and i look nothing like our father and the only thing we have in common with our mother is the bright blue almost cerulean colour of our eyes. It never crossed my mind that dad wasn't actually my father though.

"T, I don't think you understand. The thoughts that were going through my head, they were not normal."

"Just tell me Tristan, I promise I won't freak out." I grabbed his hands, begging with my eyes for him to believe me.

"Okay, it's just, well umm--" Having him mumble over his words not knowing how to tell me whatever it is he is hiding from me, I grabbed his wrist. Tugging him towards me so he is forced to look into my eyes. As i looked into his eyes, i don't know what came over me, i stood up on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He obviously thought I was going to hug him to make him feel more comfortable so I whispered his name. As soon as his eyes locked with mine, I pulled his head down and gently kissed his lips. Slowly pulling back, not sure how he is going to react I got ready to start apologizing. I didn't get the chance to say anything before he leaned forward and claimed my lips once again, not allowing me to pull away. Not that I would. The feeling of his lips on mine was the most amazing feeling I have ever had. I'm so confused. I'm kissing Tristan, my brother, not just my brother but my twin. This is so wrong, but it feels so right, everywhere he touches, there's tingles. It feels like there are fireworks going off in my stomach. Slowly I started running out of air and had to pull away. Instead of pulling away completely, I leaned my forehead against his, our breathing heavy, and just stared into his eyes.

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