Chapter 1

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Tamara's POV

"Welcome home kids! How did school go today?" Mom asked as soon as we all stepped in the door.

"As good as it gets i suppose." I replied, purposely avoiding the pointed look Tristan was throwing my way. "I'm going to my room, don't bother me i'll be doing homework!"

"Be down here at 7:15, your father will be home by then and we all need to have a talk in the living room."

"Okay, see you then!" I yelled, turning and running up to my room. Hearing footsteps following me all the way up, turning my head

I saw it was Tristan. "Fuck Tris, I obviously was trying to be alone!"

"Well considering we talk to each other about everything, I didn't think you'd mind if i came to chill with you, miss bitch." Tristan said, sounding hurt.

"I'm sorry Tris, it's been a rough day, you know how it is in that school of demons. I just can't wait to graduate and get the hell out of that shithole. I didn't mean to upset you. I just can't handle keeping up my fake act for Trish. I love you little brother."

"10 minutes! You're only 10 minutes older T! Besides, I'm always here. You don't have to be fake with me.Oh! I wanted to tell you, I heard mom on the phone this morning. It kinda sounded like something big is going to happen that's going to affect all of us."

"What do you think it is?"

" I'm not sure, but mom seemed pretty upset about how us kids are gonna react to it." He responded looking really worried.

"Well it's only 5:30 now, how about we play some COD to keep us distracted so we don't stress about it." I stuck out my bottom lip hoping to use my amazing puppy dog face to convince him. (Which totally works every time.) He looks at me then avoids my eyes obviously trying not to fall for it. Still seeming pretty distracted, probably still thinking about what bad news mom is going to break to us once dad gets home. Not that our lives could get much worse anyways. Well mine at least. Tristan is Mr.Popular at school. All the girls want him, all the guys want to be him. Not that he cares, he always says that I'm the only person he cares about in that place. Don't get me wrong, I love him to death but sometimes he completely smothers me. I love his company but wherever he goes, so does half of the female population. Well at least the ones in our grade, they all just hope he looks at them or asks them out. Like whatever, but what none of those fake bitches realize, is that with the way they shunned me after colt---

"T! Mara! Tamara Dammit!"

All of a sudden I see Tristan in front of me waving in my face.

"What the fuck Tristan?! Why are you so close to me? Your breath stinks, don't you ever brush your teeth?" I screeched, jumping backwards falling off my bed and landing on my back.

"You completely blanked T, what were you thinking so hard about? I called your name like 50 times!"

"Nothing! Sorry I was just stuck in my head."

"You weren't thinking about HIM, were you?" Fuck he looks seriously pissed.

I looked around my large purple room trying to think of an excuse. "No ---- umm, of course not!" I stuttered out. "Just worried about what the rentals have to tell us ya know?" I whispered with a short hollowed laugh, refusing to meet his intense gaze.

"Okay... well just remember that bastard doesn't deserve for you to even have crossed our beautiful mind. Now that we have wasted all this time, it's already after 6 so let's try and squeeze in a few rounds of zombies to blow off some steam." Nodding in response I picked up both controllers tossing one to him stating, "Try to keep up young one." I smirked waiting for his sarcastic response. Surprisingly he only rolled his eyes and started the game bumping our shoulders together.

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