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Tamara's POV

As I'm running to the car I can hear Tristan catching up to me yelling my name. Even running as fast as I can he's still faster than me, which is obvious because he's the track star at school. "God Tristan, can't you see I want to be alone! Fuck go away!"

"No Mara! I won't leave you alone, not after last time! I won't lose you! I can't, you're the most important person in my life to me! Just let me drive! I'll take you wherever you want to go, we just have to go before mom or dad comes out here trying to stop you."

"Fuck fine whatever!" I scream, throwing the car keys to him and hopping in the passenger's seat.

"Just drive, I'll give you directions on the way. You have to swear you won't tell anyone where we are going, and you can never bring anyone back to this place either."

"Okay." he muttered under his breath so I could barely hear him.

"That's not good enough Tris, I need you to promise. This is my spot. I don't let anyone--- Turn left here. I have never shown anyone this place before."

"Okay T, I promise. So we are going to t---"

"No, stop. We can talk when we get there. I need to try and calm down a bit first." I interrupted.

The rest of the ride was quiet, neither of us saying anything except when i told him to turn. "Just park behind those trees over there, that way no one will see the car." I muttered not even looking at him, just pointing to the trees. "Now will you stay in the car please? I just need to be alone for a little while."

"But T----"

"No Tristan, I'll be fine. Just give me a break, please!" I begged, giving him the best pouty face i could muster with the tears still streaming down my face.

"Fine, you have 10 minutes. After that I'm coming after you." I was going to argue but one look at his face told me how serious he was.

"Okay little brother. I love you, and thank you." I gave him the biggest smile i could come up with, which honestly was probably more of a grimace but the slight amusement that showed on his face was enough for me to feel comfortable walking away. I walked around the car and towards the small path that isn't visible unless you are actually looking for it. You walk along the path for a good 5 minutes or so and it brings you to this tiny clearing that opens onto a cliff. I only came across it that hateful day. The one day when everything fell apart, when HE ruined me. That bastard, he doesn't deserve me even thinking of him.

"Fuck! I seriously can't stand her! Why did I get stuck with having such a dramatic bitch as a younger sister? Why the hell did she have to bring that up? Why does no one believe what really happened that night?" I screamed to the sky. "God, if you're listening, please help me through this. Help me push through and survive this. I don't know how much more I can take." Ending in a whisper, I felt tired and dizzy all of a sudden, without warning I fell to the ground and everything went dark.

 Slowly I opened my eyes, having to close them immediately due to the bright lights around me. "What is going on? Where am I?" I whispered to myself.

"You're in my home, my dear." A woman's voice I did not recognize came from behind me. I turned around and slowly opened my eyes blinking to get use to the brightness, seeing a gorgeous white dress and a face of a woman I have never seen before. She seemed to be glowing, which didn't make sense. The only person it could possibly be would be, "God?" awestruck there was nothing else i could say without seeming even more crazy.

"I prefer to be called Moon Goddess." The lady said with a small smile. "Tamara my dear, i heard your calling, i'm always listening. You and your brother are both very important to me, you're both meant for great things, your parents have been keeping something very important from you both. They never plan on telling you the truth so, therefore, I have taken it upon myself to bring it to your attention."

"What do you mean? What is going on?" Panicking and not knowing what to do, I stood up and started pacing.

"Calm my child, everything will be alright. What you haven't been told by your parents is that the man you know as your dad is not your biological father. I do not believe that the man you know as your Dad knows this information. Before your parents were together, your mother traveled a lot for her job. She worked in many different places helping nurse kids from poor countries back to health."

"I know all of this! That's how mom and dad met, mom was working at a health center in South America where dad was vacationing with his family and they met while walking on a beach one night and instantly fell in love!"

"Yes child, that did happen. Although there is something your mother left out. About a week before your parents met, your mother went to a bar. At this bar, she met a handsome young man that saw your mother and instantly knew they were mates-----"

"Mates? What the hell are mates?!" I yelled, getting annoyed with this strange lady in front of me.

I could see the lady starting to get impatient with me.

"IF you are not willing to listen then you may figure it out on your own Tamara."

"I'm sorry ma'am, I won't interrupt again, I'm just so confused." Feeling regretful for yelling at the beautiful stranger, I sat down and just tried to relax listening to her harmonic voice.

"As I was saying, he automatically knew that this beautiful woman, your mother, was his mate. He bought her a few drinks and they danced together for hours. A few hours into the night your mother got a phone call from her boss. She had to leave immediately because there was an emergency in a town a few hours away so your mother's assistant was picking her up. She left the bar immediately, forgetting about the handsome man she met that night. A week after that night, your parents met, a few weeks later your mother started feeling ill. Thinking it was nothing she continued on. It wasn't until 2 months after the night at the bar that she realized that her period was late. She took so many tests, they all came back positive. Finally, she went to a doctor that confirmed that she was pregnant with twins, once he told her the conception date she told him he was crazy, that it wasn't possible. Except it was, she and the man from the bar had, hooked up i believe is how you kids say it now a days." She said with a grimace, as if just saying that left a bitter taste in her mouth. "Your mother finally realized that it had to be the man from the bar's children. She didn't want your dad to leave her so she surprised him and told him she was pregnant, but lied and said the children were his." The Moon Goddess looked over at me, I was so shocked but i just waved her on wanting to know the rest of the story. "Are you sure you want to know everything else, my child?"

"Yes please Moon Goddess, I need to know the whole truth."

"Well you see, your biological father, his name is Maximus Woodbrook. He spent years trying to track down your mother. The biggest thing you need to know, which even your mother never knew, is that your father is very special." She trailed off looking at me, as if looking to see if i could handle hearing and more surprises.

"What do you mean by special ma'am?" I asked, intrigued to find out what could possibly be so special about this stranger that is apparently my father.

"Have you ever noticed that you're different than your parents and your little sister? That you can hear things other people can't? OR how you are much stronger than they are?"

"Sometimes, but I just figured that there was something wrong with me."

"Oh my dear, you are just special, you and your brother are direct descendants from my family tree. You both are also, the first born children of Maximus Woodbrook, The werewolf king." As soon as those words left her mouth i felt like i was spinning, falling and didn't know where i would end up.

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