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Tristan's POV

"Woah." I breathlessly whispered against her lips. "That was, just woah." I just stared at her, praying that she doesn't push me away and leave. She just closed her eyes and nodded. "Do you regret it?" I asked, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. Seeing her open her eyes my heart skipped a beat. Please don't freak out, please don't freak out. Chanting in my head I almost didn't hear her whisper, "No, how could i regret something that makes me feel so complete?"

I'm pretty sure the smile that is currently on my face probably makes me look like a clown but honestly, i have never felt so happy as i do right now. "Really? You mean that? You're not just saying that so I don't feel bad for kissing you right?" I started freaking out, not knowing how to act. This is my sister, my twin, the only person that understands me completely. What if she doesn't want to be near me anymore? What if she hates me now? What if I just ruined everything? I can't lose her. Maybe if i just told her it was a mistake, maybe then she would understand. Fuck i need to grow some balls and stop freaking out, shes just staring at me, fuck what did i do?

"Tristan! Stop freaking out! Listen to me!" She screamed, grabbing my face in her tiny hands. It's so hard to concentrate with those tingles streaming from her fingertips onto my face. Breathe Tristan, just breathe. "I don't regret it Tristan! I kissed you first, how could i be mad at you for being the one brave enough to make it into a real kiss. The best kiss I have ever had! I'm not mad, i'm overjoyed that i didn't fuck everything up by kissing you. I don't know what's going on anymore than you do okay! You're my brother though so i could never hate you! Lets just head home and go to bed. We can talk more about all of this in the morning okay?" She ended in a whisper, one that most people probably couldn't hear. Growing up I realized that I have better hearing than most people. I could hear someone say my name from blocks away if i'm listening close enough.

"Okay T, let's head home." I state, grabbing her hand gently and walking back towards the car. Every time she tried pulling her hand out of mine I just gripped it more firmly, pulling her towards the passenger side of the car. Once we reached the car I gently pushed her against the car, "Can I kiss you again?" hearing my own voice i inwardly cringed noticing how desperate i sounded. Without waiting for her reply I pressed my lips against hers, staying still to see if she would push me away. Surprisingly she pulled me closer and started nibbling on my bottom lip, not wanting her to be the one in control i reached around and pinched her perfect round ass. Getting the response i wanted of her gasping lightly i took the advantage to push my tongue into her mouth. God she tastes so amazing! Feeling way too much like the woman in this situation, I took control of the kiss and pushed her further against the car until I could tell she needed some time to breathe. I pulled away, but not completely, i started kissing down her neck looking for her sweet spot. Desperately needing to hear how badly she wants me i started kissing up and down her neck until i got to the park of her neck that meets her shoulder. Lightly nibbling on her neck I smirked and felt my mini me twitch when I earned myself a small moan from her. Kissing her neck one more time, I pulled away, "We should probably get home before mom and dad come looking for us." I whispered, trying to catch my breath. Watching as she just nodded her head and slowly got into the car, I waited until she was fully in before leaning down and pecking her lips one more time before closing the door and making my way to the driver's seat. Taking a deep breath i got into the car, trying to calm my pounding heart, hoping that Tamara can't hear how hard and fast she makes it go.

Driving as slow as I could possibly go, not really wanting to go back to that godforsaken house, I glanced at Mara from the corner of my eye. God, how can someone be that gorgeous. She doesn't even try and she's so naturally gorgeous. Growing up, I always noticed how beautiful my sister was. She had boys following her around from a young age. I did everything I possibly could to try and keep them away from her. As mean as it seems, I just couldn't let myself share her. I have been able to keep at least 95% of guys away but that bastard, I didn't think i had to worry about him because he was dating Trishana. Never again will I be so careless with her, I don't care if they are even family for god sake, I will never let another man be alone with her. I will keep her safe, she won't ever have to worry about another man hurting her. She's mine, i will fight anyone to the death to make sure it stays that way.

"Tristan, calm down! Are you okay? What's going through that sexy head of yours?" She exclaimed, obviously realizing what she said afterward seeing how red her cheeks got seconds after she said that.

"Sexy? You think I'm sexy?" The smirk on my face is obvious but on the inside I feel like a giddy little girl knowing she thinks that way about me.

"Oh hush up, you know you're sexy. Now what's going on? You're grasping that steering wheel so tight I'm afraid it's going to snap!"

"I'm just thinking T, but it's all okay. We will figure everything out tomorrow right? Like you said? You promise you will answer all of my questions in the morning?" I asked as I pulled into the driveway.

"Yes Tris, we will discuss everything tomorrow. I promise." She told me with the most gorgeous smile on her face.

"Okay, well let's head in then, hopefully the rents are in bed already." The smile that she had on her face disappeared as soon as I brought up the failures we call our parents, I grabbed her hand. "I'm right here love, i'm right by your side, you're not alone." Pulling her towards the door i felt a small sliver of hope when i saw all the lights out on the bottom floor. Unlocking the door and walking into the house i noticed that mom and dad must have already started packing because there are boxes all over the floor. "C'mon let's head to bed." I whispered, pulling her close to me. She seemed to be so tired that she was starting to nod off so i turned her around and picked her up bridal style, not missing the smile that graced her lips as i did so. Opening her bedroom door i realized that mom must have come in here and started packing up Mara's stuff not expecting us to be back tonight. Setting my beautiful angel of a sister on her bed i kissed her forehead whispering a soft I Love You before walking quietly out of her room and creeping slowly towards my own.

"You know i'm your sister too, maybe once and awhile you could actually treat me like it." I hear from behind me right as I'm about to open my bedroom door. Turning around I see Trishana standing in her doorway staring at me with glossy eyes.

"Honestly Trish, if you didn't try and destroy Mara constantly and try and convince my twin to try and kill herself i might be more understanding. But, if you're not willing to treat your sister like she's actually family then why should i treat you like you are family? How is that fair? Tamara needs someone in her corner, between you and our parents she gets told enough that she's not loved. So no, i'm not going to pick you over her, you're just a spoiled little brat that gets everything she wants. I refuse to be the putty in your hands like everyone else, I will not let you manipulate me."

"I get everything I want? Really? What about Keegan? He chose her over me! My own boyfriend! I told him that I loved him, then what did he do? He chose her, and went and fucked her instead of me!" She screamed.

"Shut up! IF you wake up Mara i swear to god, you don't want to know what will happen." I threatened her, knowing full well I couldn't harm her, even if I hated her. She's still my baby sister. "How dare you? Acting like she wanted it! Were you the one that found her afterwards? No! I was the one that found her, completely unconscious, with ropes tied around her arms and legs. Completely naked as well! She had blood all over her arms, legs and her inner thighs from what that bastard did to her. Yet you continue to throw it in her face like she wanted it. He RAPED her Trishana! Grow up and come find me when you're ready to apologize for being such a stuck up little bitch." I growled at her simultaneously slamming my door. Feeling completely drained after that conversation i dragged myself to my bed and barley made it under the blankets before passing out cold.

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