Loki (2)

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(Skadi is an OC based on one of my friends)

A knock rang through Loki's door. Grumbling, he put aside his book and opened the door, revealing a bedraggled looking Thor with a small child in his arms.

"No. Absolutely not," Loki snapped before Thor could explain. "First it was the wolf. Then it was the sea serpent. Just because I had a kid doesn't mean I'd like more!"

"But Loki," Thor said desperately. "She was left on my doorstep, and I cannot take her. She is a godling."

Loki huffed. "I said no."

"Mother said to bring her to you." Thor held out the child, no more than a few months old.

The hard, adamant look on Loki's face softened slightly. Well, if Mother insists... "All right." Loki took the baby from Thor, shushing her softly when she whimpered.

Thor gave Loki a smile and left him alone with the child. The baby giggled when Loki waved a few fingers over her head, green magic dancing between them.

"Your name is Skadi," Loki decided, the baby's coos melting his heart. "Skadi Lokisdaughter."
"Daddy, I scared!"

"Shh, shh, love," Loki crooned to Skadi, as lightning flashed outside. "It's only your Uncle Thor saying hello."

"Unca Thor?" Skadi gazed up at her foster father with huge, heart-melting blue eyes.

Loki nodded. "Yes."

Skadi ran to the widow. "Hi, Unca Thor!"

Thunder boomed. Skadi shrieked and ran back to Loki, burying her face in his shirt.

"Shh, it's ok." Loki stroked her hair comfortingly. "You have to be brave."

"Brave like Daddy?" Little Skadi lifted her tear-stained face.

Loki held out an open palm and a small, golden horned circlet formed there, the band set with tiny emeralds. He settled it on his daughter's brow thoughtfully.

"Yes, darling," he said softly. "Brave like Daddy."
Thunder tumbled outside, snapping 16 year-old Skadi out of the memory. She trailed her fingers across the frosty window, whispering, "Hey, Uncle Thor."

She rolled out of bed and bee-lined to her walk-in closet. Her father had instilled in her the constant need to look impeccable always.

Skadi wrestled out of her pajamas and into fishnet tights, then her armored green and silver  dress, the V-shaped neckline giving way to more netting. Her high-heeled combat boots accented with silver were tugged over her feet next.

Emerging from her closet with a dramatic twirl, Skadi made for her vanity and dragged a brush through her wavy blonde hair. She swept sparkly green eyeshadow over her eyelids and flicked eyeliner into perfect wings.

Loki entered the room just as Skadi was braiding a single section of her hair.

"Morning, darling," he said as he dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

"Morning, Dad," Skadi replied, voice still hoarse from sleep. She finished braiding her hair and tossed it back over her shoulder.

Loki flicked a few fingers and a green mist swirl curled around Skadi's horned circlet. The mist settled it on her head, emeralds glinting.

"You look lovely. Come, your Uncle Thor wants us at the Bifrost."

"For a battle?" Skadi's eyes gleamed excitedly.

"Not for a battle." An impish smile curled Loki's lips. "But that doesn't mean you can't bring a weapon or two. Just in case."

Skadi grinned back at her adoptive father and flicked her wrist, a knife sliding from a hidden sheath in her sleeve to her palm.

Loki smiled proudly, love softening the mischievous look in his eyes. "That's my girl."

Thanks to marvelcraver for the passive-aggressive saving of this story to a list called "I need updates" because I needed a tad bit of motivation to even put an update out lol

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