Peter Parker (2)

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"Field Trip"

"Ok, make sure you give these slips to the parent coming on the field trip so they can fill them out," Peter's homeroom teacher said.

He gave the front row a small stack of papers to pass back, and when Peter got his, he sighed unhappily. He was going to have to miss the camping trip, as Aunt May had to work that weekend. He stuffed the paper in his jacket pocket.

After school, he ducked into an alley and pulled on his mask. Then he swung across the city to the facility where he was supposed to be meeting Tony for a training session.

Natasha met him at the door. She pulled off his mask and ruffled his already messy hair cheerfully. "Tony's waiting for you."

Peter tried to flatten his hair unsuccessfully and entered the facility. Unbeknownst to him, the slip of paper for the camping trip fell out of his pocket and at Natasha's feet.

Nat picked it up and glanced over it. She recalled Peter saying something about the trip before, about how he couldn't go because his aunt had to work.

She rushed inside, looking for the others. Thor she found in the kitchen, as usual. Loki was leaning against the counter, arms folded. Nat set the permission slip on the table.

"Who can make it?" she asked.

Thor stuffed a chip in his mouth and pulled the paper over to him, scrutinizing it. "Loki and I—"

Loki clamped his hand over his brother's mouth. "We're busy. Who's is this anyway?"

"Peter's," Nat answered.

Loki avoided Natasha's eyes. "Um... I might be free."

"You're hired," Nat shoved the paper towards Loki, who conjured a pen out of nowhere. He began filling in the blanks with his intricate, elegant cursive.

"Are you wanting to join, Thor?" Loki asked, pen poised above the paper.

"Yes!" Thor smiled. "Anything for the Spider-kid!"

Loki pressed his palm against the crumpled permission slip and closed his eyes. Then he slid his hand to the left, towards Thor, and a duplicate copy appeared.

"You know we have copiers, right?..." Natasha asked slowly.

"Yes, but I had already began writing." Loki smirked.

Thor snatched the pen from Loki's hand and began scribbling, his handwriting much more blocky than his brother's.

A week later, right as the campers were leaving, Peter was called down with them. Confused, he followed his classmates outside into the bright sunshine.

He was extremely surprised to find Thor and Loki, looking oddly out of place without their Asgardian clothing. Bags were piled by their feet.

Several girls gasped and rushed over to Thor. Loki backed up, letting his brother be engulfed by a mini-fan club.

Peter walked over to Loki. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I let myself be convinced to come on your school trip," Loki muttered. "Hopefully this isn't as bad as I think it's going to be."

"I don't think it will," Peter reassured. "Don't you like being alone?"

Loki pulled Peter into a one-armed hug. "As long as my brother's fan club stays away from me, I'm sure we'll have fun."

And they did end up having fun. The only serious mishap was Loki turning into a snake and stabbing Thor (again). Otherwise, the trip was uneventful. Peter had to hide his spider-suit in the bottom of his duffel, but got the chance to introduce Ned to Thor and Loki.

His entire class was in awe that two of the Avengers had consented to supervise him. Thor attracted a fan-following during the trip, and even Loki was so charismatic that he won several of the girls and a couple of the darker guys over.

They came back from the trip exhausted, and they crashed at the Avengers facility. Tony came downstairs to find Loki slouched down on the couch, despite Thor's rumbling, thunder-like snores next to him. The Asgardians' feet were propped up on the ottoman, and Peter was sprawled across them.

Tony smiled. "Jarvis, save the camera footage from the past five minutes."

"Yes, sir," Jarvis's voice said.

Tony tapped his earpiece and a mini-screen projected over his eye. He watched as Thor and Loki dragged their bags in, collapsing on the couch. Thor was asleep immediately, Loki nodding off in another few seconds.

Then Peter entered, and finding the couch taken up by the Asgardian brothers, curled up on the ottoman. He drifted off easily. As he slept, he rolled over and onto Thor and Loki's feet. Loki stirred, muttering something about knives.

Tony's smile grew larger. "At least those two morons are getting along."

He left, letting the tired trio sleep on. And there they stayed until Clint and Natasha burst in, clamoring for news about the trip.

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