Avengers (6)

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"Contacts Lists Pt. 2"

Bucky: Bucky ❤️

Tony: Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist

Wanda: Dating Vision?...

Clint: Merida

Bruce: SMASH!

Thor: Drinkin' Buddy

Coulson: Fanboy #1

Scott Lang: Fanboy #2

Sam: On Your Left

T'Challa: Tried To Kill Bucky

Natasha: Nat

Fury: Nick

Thor: Cried Over His Hammer

Steve: Star-Spangled Man With a Plan

Tony: Narcissist

Bruce: Big Guy

Wanda: Oddball

Pietro: He's Fast... and Dead

Scott Lang: Bug Dude

Bucky: Steve's Boyfriend

Sam: Steve's Other Boyfriend?...

Laura: Honey ❤️

Thor: If I Had To Pick a Dude

Natasha: It's Complicated

Clint: Archer Guy

Steve: His Shield Defies All Physics

Tony: Science Bro

Valkyrie: Drunkie

Loki: Thor's Bitch Brother

Shuri: Science Queen

Credit to this one goes out to Ally_Romanoff

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