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I was in my house, living closed in my room with nothing more then a piece of hard bread and a dog bowl of water.... That's how my foster parents treated me after they adopted me.

My skinny body had lost the little muscles I tried to build when passing time, unless my "Dad" comes upstairs and hits me hard till I am left in a pool of blood. I try to get up from it, yet I always end up splatting back on it.... Nothing I can do.... Till my "Mom" comes in.

She was my angel.... She got me out of my pool and sat me on the bed as she undressed me and healed my scars putting on some new bandages and gave me new clothes, smiling and cuddling me in her chest lovingly and stroking my white and black hairs, most of the time stained by my blood. She leaves everytime her husband comes, and that means the day is ended, and during night, I can't sleep, wonder about my age.... I'm only 10.

I start to work out, even tho my body wants to collapse, my will is the only thing that keeps me going. I keep training everyday, as I couldn't do other things.

As day passes I got more bruises and my will keeps forging itself to become unbreakable just as my body, slowly and slowly adapting, more and more the skin becomes hard as steel, more and more my bones regenerate themselves by growing stronger, up to three times bigger, my muscles becoming so hard that even tho I was skinny, I had no problem with pushing up my 50 pounds night-table with a single hand, the only thing in my mind......... Survive.

Everyday the same actions, beaten up all morning, an afternoon of recovery and healing and a night of training. During one night I heard talking downstairs, the two guardians of mine were arguing, I heard a hard hit, and a big mess..  he had slapped her as he was drunk.

He did made his way towards me, finding me sitting on the window as he came towards me and grabbed me by my neck, choking me "You ate my sandwich, didn't you, punk!" He said tighting the grip, as I now had an emotionless face "I don't know what you are talking about" he slapped me hard "Don't fool me, waste of skin! You ate my sandwich!" My cheek was burning, but I didn't cared, he had a tight grip, yet I didn't feared death, I felt void.

"No, you drunken piece of shit!" I don't know what it was, I didn't even wanted to say that, something snapped inside me, he did throw me against the hard wall and, as I was bouncing towards him after the hit, he kneed me against it again as I spit blood, yet I had some in still and spit it in his face, unfortunately I hit the cheek instead of the eye, he took out a knife from his pocket, and I felt it going down from the left part of the  forehead down to my cheek hitting and closing forever my left eye.

I screamed in pain as he forced his knife down my skin, as over my cries I heard the screams of my angel trying to save me, yet it was futile and then.... All black. I had fainted. I woke up after three day, or that's what my foster mom said as I woke up as she changed the bandaged on my left eye. I was seeing half of what I usual saw, yet I felt like it wasn't really bad, even tho I had to adapt to my new blank point, and thanks to a mirror and a stress ball, I started to focus on the details to know what will happen in my blank point, as it took a whole month.

But also developing something that wouldn't be really positive but to me it was.....DID, dissociative identity disorder, developed by the treatment I had during this time, for now I had only two, but it would evolve into much different ones. When I had full white hair, even tho they are stained in my old blood still, it means I am a psychopath killer that doesn't give a fuck, but to my real self, it was a friend, in both good and bad way, but I could keep it in check, even tho I had to fatigue to restrain him.

After a year of so, I had developed 5 personalities alongside my real one. Other than me and the white haired killer, firstly came a full black haired self, where he is mostly cold and rational, the type of person that will do what is optimal without even the remorse of those that stood behind or that died for that, a perfect tactician yet a cruel and cold-hearted individual. After him a crimson red haired self, A fighter in both body and will, that is going to even risk his life to protect others, and able to withstand even the most tedious fights if wanted to, and lastly a black and blue haired personality, with the love of poetry and sarcasm, the few joys I could not have.... Also a videogame nerd, alongside all knowledge about technology....a big nerd. Oh I forgot also my white and blond haired part, a well mannered Gentleman with woman, even tho is a bit perverted and a big flirt.

So after all this you are wondering... What's my name, don't you? Well..... Let's say I have more than one.... Just like my personalities.... But they are most codenames. The white killer is Hunter, due to his abilities and his love for massacre and guns.... The black tactician is Pride.... Due to his mostly arrogant and prideful character.....the red haired one is Titan due to his strength.... The nerd is called Joker, due to his abilities to use his brain in many different ways.... The flirty one is Cavaliere, the Italian word for knight due to his character.... And me....well, I don't have a real name.... I did forgot it after all the abuse I went through.... Now they call me Doom or Paradox cause of my DID disorder, but that's who I am now....and that's what the S.C.P.T.L. wanted me to be.

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