Before I know what's going on Loke kicks me in the gut making me gasp sucking in air again. Great so now I can breathe as the rest of me gets torn to pieces by my heart, I can't help thinking as Luce's tear stained face pops into my head. Unfortunately I am far too familiar with it to not know what it looks like. 

I'm still on the ground clutching at my chest as Loke looked down at me before asking, "If she disappeared from your life, completely but happy and somehow had forgotten about you. How would you feel?" 

"I can't..." another spasm racked through me cutting me off. 

"You marked her, then when I healed her it erased your mark because it wasn't complete. Natsu if you actually love her you have to ASK her BEFORE you mark her. She hasn't rejected you, yet." Loke kicked at the ground nearby. 

The pain lifted a little making it liveable at least for now as I crashed on the ground Luce's wool magic now gone. 

"Why? Why did it hurt so much?" I demanded between shuddering breaths at the memory as I stayed where I was. I felt completely drained now and the thought of moving was painful. 

"Natsu you should know better than I that dragons only mate for life." Loke answered looking away from me. 

"But we didn't mate!" I jumped in defense wincing at the pain that still coursed through me. 

"..." Loke just looked at me and shook his head before trying again. "Natsu that 'bruise' was what most call a hickey. They are also called love marks because they are made when getting kissed, bit and sucked on by another. Natsu dragon marks are done with teeth so you almost took her without her knowing." I understood his words but I couldn't piece them together. "Natsu, how can you not remember giving her the hickey?" 

"We were just sleeping, it shouldn't be possible to..." I shudder at the thought. I hurt my best friend and I don't even have a reason.

"Stay away from Lucy." his eyes softened just a little before he added, "At least until you understand how you feel."

I grabbed his arm before he could walk away, "I was going to tell her after our next mission. We were going to go on a trip together. Loke, I love her." 

He shook his head sadly back at me, "Natsu as much as girls love romance what they really want is love. If you really love her tell her as soon as you can get her alone. Do not put her on the spot." he warned me. Then as if remembering something he turned and in a low voice said, "The reason she was crying was because she thought you didn't love her." Then instead of walking away he disappeared closing his gate and returned to the Celestial Realm. The pain that was once coursing through me dissolved at his words. Could she?

"Luce." I whisper to myself. I try to dust myself off a bit before running to catch up to her and the client. 

Lucy's POV

Damn it all! I wanted to scream but I was too close to the client to do so. I talked to him yet again before we continued on our way. He was confused why Natsu was not here yet but I told him he was taking care of something with one of my spirits first. We were almost to Crocus when Natsu finally appeared next to me. He must have been too embarrassed to show up until now. Damn now I really want to cry, was the thought of kissing me that terrible?

"Luce, we need to talk," Natsu said in a low voice so that only I could hear him. 

"I need time first. I'll let you know when we can talk." I said in an equally quiet voice. I glanced back at him to see him looking away. He must be ready to turn me away, but I just can't, not yet anyway. 

I walked ahead and stood by the client as we entered the city. When we had safely delivered the client he paid us our reward and we left. This was the part I had been dreading. We are alone and I'm still not ready to face him. 

"Yukino! I have to see her before we leave. We should have plenty of time before the next train to Magnolia." I was quick and started running towards the Sabertooth guild before Natsu could try to talk to me.

Thankfully I didn't have to go far, she must have heard me because I didn't go five steps before I heard her calling out my name. "Lucy!"

"Thank Mavis, I was hoping I would see you before we left town," I chatted with her for a while and we even stopped to eat but Natsu stayed back giving me space. 

"So I was actually just about to head to Magnolia to see you, I have a favor to ask you." Yukino blushed slightly. I smile nodding my head waiting for her to continue. "I'm going home, I met the woman of my dreams and I am ready but, well, I want you to have my keys." 

I gaped at her, "Your keys? But I don't understand."

"I am going to live a normal life, a boring one. I have been learning a little fire magic so I will still have magic but I can't do that to my spirits. I already talked to them and they agreed that if I wanted to go home then they wanted to stay with you." Yukino explained to me. 

"I, I really don't know what to say. Thank you, your welcome, I'm sorry. What am I supposed to say? I feel honored that they want to make contracts with me." I kind of run on a little and Yukino just smiles happily. 

"I know I don't have to ask but I do have one request in return and that is that you take good care of them. I still love them very much but I know they want adventure and I can't give them that." she whispered sadly. 

I put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight squeeze. I made the contracts right there with her to witness so she could know the terms herself. When I was done I added their keys to my key ring and put them safely on on my belt again before returning to our drinks at the table. 

"So what is going on with Natsu? Normally he is right in the middle of the conversation or stuffing his face like a certain set of twin dragon slayers I know." she giggled at the end but stopped once she saw my face drop. Natsu was far enough away he shouldn't be able hear us talking but if I was to raise my voice even a little he would hear just fine. 

"Yukino, something happened." I whispered to her making sure my voice was as low as I could make it and she was still able to hear me. I told her all about this morning and how he acted for the rest of the mission. When I was done I just sat there looking into my unfinished yogurt, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh Lucy, I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling right now." Yukino had kept her voice low and I gave her a small smile as thanks. It was her turn to comfort me and the feel of her hand on mine only reminded me that I dearly needed to take care of myself as well as take a hot bath or rather a very very cold shower and get some fresh clothes. 

"Yukino, what am I supposed to do? I always knew he wouldn't care for me like that but I thought that we could just keep going on as friends at least. Now I don't think he wants anything to do with me." I whisper about ready to cry. 

I look up at her kind face as she whispered sweet reassurances to me. Why couldn't I be a lesbian? Yukino had once confessed to me and I told her how I was honored but I didn't feel the same. That was only a couple years ago and I really wish right now that I could feel that way about her. Then I wouldn't have to feel so lonely and rejected now.

"If he knows what's good for him he will not be like that." Yukino stated a little too loudly. Damn Natsu definitely heard that.

I sigh out again, oh well it's not like it can really get any worse right?

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