Both Ron and Hermione looked at him like he'd gone mad and didn't even notice the three butterbeers placed in front of them.

"Since when do you think that Malfoy doesn't have an ulterior motive?" Hermione asked.

Harry tried to hide the blush that threatened to paint his cheeks by taking a drink. "Maybe I'm sick of worrying about him. I have a lot more to think and worry about this year."

"Since when has that stopped you?" Ron asked.

"Can we just drop it, please?"

Ron and Hermione exchanged looks but didn't press the matter. They finished their butterbeers and Harry noticed Professor Slughorn across the room. Harry waved and Slughorn walked over.

"Ah, my boy, my boy," Professor Slughorn stopped at their table and Harry stood up.

"Hello, sir. Good to see you."

"You too, you too," Slughorn clasped his hand. "I've been thinking, I used to throw these sort of supper parties with a student or two and wondered if you'd be game?"

"I'd consider it an honor, sir," Harry said.

Slughorn grinned. "Great, look for my owl." He turned to Hermione. "And you're welcome to come too, Granger."

"I'd love to, sir," Hermione responded.

"Splendid," Slughorn turned to Ron. "Good to see you, Wallaby."

Ron scowled as Professor Slughorn walked away.

"Honestly. I've been in that class as long as you both and he can't even be bothered to remember my name? It's utter bullocks." Ron looked toward the corner of the room and he went pale. "You've got to be kidding me."

Harry and Hermione followed his gaze to see Dean and Ginny sitting in a corner booth.

"What's the big deal? They're just holding hands," Hermione said, but as if on cue, they started snogging. "And snogging."

"I would like to leave," Ron said, looking like he was going to be sick.

Hermione looked like she was going to say something but Harry interrupted.

"I've got an essay to work on anyway. Let's just go."

They walked out of the Three Broomsticks. Ron and Hermione were planning on studying while Harry worked on his essay. Though, Harry wasn't as dense as they thought he was. He knew they were dating or at least were getting there. Harry didn't mind. He was happy for them. He just wished they'd tell him and stop sneaking around.

Harry heard a scream up ahead and surged forward with Hermione and Ron on his heels. Katie Bell was elevated six feet in the air with her arms outstretched, her head thrown back and her hair hovering around her face. She was screaming, a bloodcurdling scream of absolute pain. A friend of hers was standing below her, staring up at her in shock. Then Katie suddenly crashed to the ground, convulsing slightly.

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