"I can't say that iam. I've killed both humans and monsters, iam afterall a hitman your majesty killing is what makes my tummy full...I can't say that I've never killed a monster before because i did..but I also kill humans and others who needed to be wiped out and iam there to the highest bidder. Do i have anything against the monsters race? No. Do i have anything against my own race? No. No matter what it is or who it is..i see everything as the same thing...particles of dust lying around the shit hole we called earth. I simply doesn't care Don asgore...i only do my job and take the money and the last thing i do is just nothing but dust."
Explaining her reasons in a rather cold tone frisk finally lay back and drink the whiskey, Asgore only sat there in silence, speechless of her response

"I you were given this job as a consigliere, who consult and protect your Don with your life are you sure you can take it?"
"I never really much of a great consultant considering I always work alone, but yeah" she shrugs feeling a bit high from the liquor she just drank
God she only drink 4 glasses of this and she's already drunk? And in her job interview?
"And what if you betray us. What consequences you might take?" Pouring down some more drink for herself frisk replied "Anything in your favour your majesty, ugh what is in this drink?" she gushed
Asgore tensed demeanour is then gone when he smiled
"I like this girl." He chuckles
"She is one of a kind" g replied hastily helping frisk to sat down properly infront of the boss
"A bold one too" he added

"It looks like she's getting a bit tipsy huh?" Asgore grab the bottle hiding it behind the counter
"Heh, guess we'll leave the choices to you then, i think we should head back she couldn't really take the monster kind of whiskey" g grab her body and picked her up bridal style
"Let go of me-" she tries to hit him but g used his magic to keep her down and shut her up
"I've decided" asgore finally said
"You're now apart of the core. Congratulations Roman Godfrey" G chuckles
"Thank you very much Don asgore I assure you that my consigliere won't do anything suspicious and i will do my best as a part of the core"
"I hope so too, please take care and if anything happen
Just contact me" g nodded still holding her in his arms before walking out of the room.

Still carrying her until they reach the lowest floor g try to open the car but is quickly helped by one of his subordinates
"Nah it's fine jacky, I'll handle her"
Jacque nodded and took a glimpse of the human in his embrace and his eyes widen, shock by the very face of the girl who attack him and his team that night, G step inside the car and apparently jacque is the driver for the day
Stepping inside the driver seat as they drove off from the mansion.

"Hey boss" he started earning g's attention
"Isn't that the girl who's trying to kill you at the night of the opera?"
G chuckle "yeah, but she's apart of us now"
"What?!" He boomed almost stepping on the brake
"Lower down your voice comrade you might awaken the beast now and im not going to deal with her drunken state" stroking her hair gently feeling both the rough and soft strands, sleeping on his lap he could have the advantage to take a better look on her pretty face
"Boss, are you sure we can....you know..trust her"
"Of course we can, if things doesn't go as planned you took care of it." stroking her cheek as he noticed a cut on her skin. Jacque nodded as he continues driving in silence

G grab one of the cigarettes from the inside of frisk pocket smoking the one frisk usually enjoy
Even when he didn't like the amount of nicotine in it
Smoking her's feels more subtle and soft it has a faint rose scent in it and he find it quite amusing

"Why did she pass out?" Jacque ask
"He drank asgore's whiskey which has drugs powder in it
And well humans got drunk more easily than monsters do" he grinned watching frisk slept so peacefully
He never thought that someone as prickly and busy as frisk right here could have such a sweet face when she's sleeping.

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