When You and Him Celebrate His Birthday

Start from the beginning

"That's sweet!!", Nejire said and clasped her hands together.

"I agree with Nejire here! Plus...", Mirio said and looked at the picture again, "...hmmm...".

The blond looked at me, then Amajiki and then back to the selfie picture.

"Hehe, you know, this kid could resemble your child with (Y/N) in the future, Tamaki"


Amajiki started blushing red after his random comment and later on, I started blushing as well while looking away with a smile.

But now that I think about it, Mirio does have a good observation.

The boy has the same hair as me and his face kind of or almost resembles my boyfriend when he was still a cute little boy too.



"I'm serious, dude!! Hahahaha!", Mirio teased and laughed, "I'm sure your kids in the future will be beautiful just like your butterfly!".

"I second that!!", Nejire joined in as well and giggled.

Amajiki grew more embarrassed than earlier but then again, he felt really happy just hearing what his childhood friend said.

"W-Well, I really do want to have some kids with her one day-I m-mean...", Amajiki mumbled quietly and suddenly stopped himself from saying anything further.

I seemed to notice that he was mumbling and his face was glowing brighter than before.

Just when I was about to question, Mirio beat me right to it instead.

"HMM? Yes, Tamaki?"

"N-Nothing of the sorts, Mirio!! Just t-thinking out loud!"

TIME SKIP (Brought you by Tamaki waving at you guys in a shy manner - "H-H-Hello, readers! How are you all doing? I hope you guys have a nice day and don't let negativity bring you d-down!" *blushes*)

After our silly exchange from earlier and Amajiki blowing the candles from the birthday cake that I made specially for him, we are all in the living room laughing and even exchanging some stories while my boyfriend was opening Mirio's and Nejire's gifts.

Of course, my gift wasn't there on the coffee table so I had to give it to him later.

Save the best for last, am I right?

Anyways, Mirio's gift to him was a supply of Takoyaki that would be helpful for his quirk.

"O-Oh, same gift as my cousin's", Amajiki commented and laughed, "I hope there's still room in my fridge or our kitchen closet".

"You mean, you have a collection there already?!", I asked with wide eyes.

Amajki chuckled shyly from my comment and just replied, "You can s-say that but don't worry. Our fridge or closet is not that filled but...okay, m-maybe it's like 1/8 of the closet filled with it. A-Anyways, thank you, Mirio".

Anyways, moving on.

Nejire's gift was a cute house plant that he can display and take of it inside his bedroom.

"Wow, thank you, Nejire", Amajiki said and observed the plant, "T-This is cute, where did you get this?".

"Oh, I bought it there at the mini garden shop near school!", Nejire replied, "I heard from (Y/N) that you like plants too so that's why I made up my mind to buy this...since I don't have much money on me right now, haha".

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