Our Future Set

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Jasper pov:

I sat in my cabin as I looked at the ceiling, throwing a ball at it hearing the thump constantly. It was a boring day at Camp Jupiter. Hot and humid like usual.

In the middle of one thump I heard my Father yell, "Jasper get out here your mother and I are going to camp half blood and you are coming,you ned to get some fresh air today".

I instantly got changed and sprinted out the cabin I met him there. As I came outside the cabin, the sun set on me. My legs felt the heat through the blue shorts I had on and my Purple SPQR shirt glimmered on the gold letters. I closed my eyes and opened them when my eyes adjusted. My father was already walking away. The sun is shining on his blonde hair. I ran to catch up to him. We shared no words just continued toward my mom in the car. We got inside.

I asked, "Why are we heading to camp half blood?"

My mother responded, "No reason particular" and she smiled. I could see through her smile and tell that she was worried. Should I have been too? I pushed the thought out of my head.After that we remained silent, all enjoying the scenery on the way to camp half blood. When we arrived I was shocked to see how it looked. It was nothing like camp jupiter. The architecture is so different, the cabins spread more and more forest than buildings. That when I heard voices. I turned toward the direction they came from. A girl around my age and two adults. The girl who looked around my age had brown hair and one sea green eye and one grey eye. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with white pearls across the top. Very fancy compared to what I was wearing. I got out of the car and followed behind my parents to see who these strangers were. Were they the ones who made my Mom worried? Should I have been scared of them or been worried because of their presence?

Lily POV:

I am a Greek half-blood. Life is NOT easy as a half blood. At least in Camp Half-blood I am somewhat safe. I can train with my friends here and I have fun. In case you were wondering, I am the daughter of Annabeth and Percy. Two of the most famous demigods here at camp which means I get A LOT of attention, something I don't really like. If you are wondering who Annabeth and Percy are, well ima just say that they saved the world....a few times. My name is Lily by the way. My parents have a few friends at another camp called Camp Jupiter. A tacky name if you ask me, but nothing I can do about that. My parents are making me put on a pretty dress and do my hair and makeup. I personally do NOT like dressing up all nice and stuff but I am being forced. "Where are we going?" I said kind of mad. My mom just smiled and said "You'll see." We drove away somewhere and I realized that this route was familiar. All of a sudden I realized. "Why are we going to camp???" I was very confused when my parents started smiling like crazy. Once I got there I gasped. Firstly, everything was different. There were flowers all over the ground leading to the eating pavilion. I heard a car enter the camp and when I looked over I saw two people walk out of the car. "Jason! Piper! How have you guys been?" My parents started walking over to them and started talking. I saw a boy about my age walking over to me. He took his hand out for a handshake and I shook it. "I'm Jasper," he said. "Lily" I responded. He had changing eye colors and blonde hair. He had the same skin tone as his father who I guess was Jason. We started to talk about random stuff. After a while, mom spoke. "Kids there is a reason you are both here". My mom said, "since both of you are now 13 your porcephy will come true."

Three shall go on a gruelling quest
Full Of pain and sorrow and nothing less
Their enemy an old follower of the gods
He will try and do his worst to make sure the gods get what they deserve
Powers of charmspeak and water combine to defend the world
Lightning striking the enemy pouring blood on the lightning's user hand
then the land will be safe and the people who the enemy had save

I ran away from them. What was wrong with them.?! I'm only thirteen I can die, can't my parents do something about this..do they want to. I was in the athena cabin bathroom. I technically belonged there. I was crying..I heard the cabin front door open. The footsteps got close to the bathroom door and I heard a knock. I said,"Someone in here". It was a familiar voice, "Umm, are you actually using the bathroom because I hear sniffles". I thought about the voice and I finally came up with the thought it was Jasper. I responded,"why aren't you scared..you could die". Jasper said,"Guess I didn't think about that..but then again you are a child of percy and annabeth two of the greatest demigods ever. They went on a lot of quests..they knew they could have died..They still went on the quest and they came back every time every single time. So,who says we can't". I got up off the floor, wiped my face and walked out of the bathroom. " I'm just.....I'm just scared. I want to come back in one piece but...... I'm just scared." I kneeled down on the floor and started to cry quietly. I felt Jasper crouch down and comfort me. " Come on, let's go back." We walked back to where our parents were. They all looked worried for me. I put on a fake smile. I don't want them to worry about me. My parents hugged me. I took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine. I'll do the quest." They all started cheering and we had a party there. Later at night, my dad, Percy, took me out to the beach that was at camp. "When I did my first quest," he started, " I was scared. I didn't show it, but I was very, very scared. After only 3 days there, camp started to feel like a new home for me. When I had to leave... It was horrible. I got scared of going into the real world. But there was one thing that really helped me, my friends. I know, I know, this sounds like a boring little speech to you. But I just wanted you to know that so that you can be brave because there will always be someone with you, even if you don't see them." I stared at the ocean before me and then looked at my dad. "Thanks dad," I said "I really needed it." Together we walked back to the other people.

Hi guys this is a story me and my friend are writing  we are going to post 1 chapter every two days and if you guys like it enough maybe once every

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