"Well he wasn't good enough for you" Klaus said as he took a seat.
"No one was ever good enough for me Nik. You made sure of that. Now where's Elijah?" Rebecca asked.
My uncles phone went off and he got up and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" Rebecca asked.
"Well it appears the night is not quite over yet. I'm off for another drink with Marcel." Klaus said with a smirk.
"Elijah told me your plan to take apart Marcels empire piece by piece. I dont remember it involving you two drinking Nee Orleans dry together." Rebecca said.
"I know you don't have many friends, Rebecca, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink, and when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found away to control the entirety of the witches in the quarter, and i aim to uncover the how so i might take it for myself. Finding Elijah didn't make my to-do list today." My uncle said as he walked to the door.
"Oh, and welcome home little sister." Klaus said as he headed out the door.
I ran after him.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"I'm coming to" i said as i followed him.
"No you aren't" he said.
"You broke my neck you owe me a drink" i said with a smirk.
He rolled his eyes and i followed him to the city.
We walked into the bar in which Marcel waited for my uncle.
"Well, this is a far cry from last nights party." My uncle said as the two of us walked in and joined Marcel.
Marcel said nothing as he flagged down the waitress for more drinks. My uncle turned around and seen Camille, the bartender from Rousseau.
"Ah, in pursuit of the the bartender from Rousseau, i see." My uncle said.
"She's a work in progress. Why did you bring little Mikealson?" Marcel said.
"Hello too you to Marcel. It's been about a 100 years" i said.
"And she insisted on coming with me" my uncle said.
"Welcome back to the quarter Maddieson, I'm sure your uncle has told you my rules." Marcel said.
"Yeah no killing vampires and no magic. Lucky for you i dont even kill humans, however, the no magic is a no deal. I'm an original witch hybrid and if you think some stupid rule will make me not practice magic you are very wrong" i said.
"As feisty as i remember her." Marcel laughed as he looked at my uncle.
"I'll take care of her" my uncle said.
Marcel nodded.
"Back to the bartender. Here you are pinning over her when you should be eating her for lunch. Well, she must be special." My uncle said as he got a drink.
"Business first. The coroner called. He's got my number in case any dead tourist show up." Marcel said
"Let me guess. Dead tourists with a stamp on their hand and vampire blood in their veins" my uncle said.
"It happens. Someone takes a drunken tumble of a balcony or into the Mississippi, and today i have two of them to deal with." Marcel said as he raised his glass.
My uncle jumped up and met the bartender by the door.
"Excuse me, love. What's that your studying?" Klaus asked.
"Abnormal psychology." She said.
"Abnormal psychology. Well... perhaps you could help me diagnose my friend over here." Klaus said as he looked at Marcel.
"He's been a little bit depressed. Can't keep his mind off a girl. He tells me she's a queen fit for a king. I think he should cut his losses and move on. What's you professional opinion?" My uncle said as he sat back down.
Marcel looked up with a smile and i rolled my eyes.
"Be a nice guy, and maybe the opportunity will present itself someday." She said with a smirk and then she headed out the door.
"How about tonight, 9:00? I'll meet you right here." Marcel said.
"I'll take it under consideration." She said with a smile as she walked out the door.
"Hmm. Harsh." Marcel said.
"I daresay I've lost my touch, or you've lost yours." My uncle said.
"Alright. Come on" Marcel said as he stood up and my uncle and i followed him.
We followed him to a parking garage.
"You take me to the nicest places." My uncle said.
Marcel lead us to a van that was guard by two vampires and as we walked up they opened the door where two newbies sat.
"Welcome to the land of the newly dead. I wont waste your time." Marcel said to the two young adults.
"I trust you filled them in?" Marcel said turning to one of his guys.
"To be honest, not much in the way of potential here." The one vampire said.
"Yeah? Well i just lost 6 night walkers. I got holes to fill. So I'll keep this quick. That itch you feel, that's the need to feed coming on strong, a hunger for human blood. Drink it, you're a vampire. Don't and you die again, this time for good right here in a body bag." Marcel said before turning to my uncle and I .
"Hey. What are you thinking, cute, dorky girl or gay best friend?" Marcel asked both of us.
"Dealers choice." My uncle said.
Marcel looked at me.
"Gay best friend" i said.
Marcel nodded and went with my uncles answer.
"Dealers choice. Ok. Whoever picks up this coin gets to live forever." Marcel said holding up a coin.
The boy looked at the coin as if he was studying it.
"The other one dies" Marcel said as he sat the coin down.
"And go" he said.
The girl looked at the boy and then snatched the coin.
"Damn, girl! I said damn!" Marcel said.
"How could you?" The boy asked his friend.
"Get over it, Josh! It's not like i had a choice. You would have done the same thing. But your such a little, measly..." She started.
I ran over and snapped her neck and Marcel walked up behind me and zipped up her body bag.
"Let her die in cold storage" Marcel said to his guys.
Marcels right hand nodded.
"I got a thing about people who betray their own friends. Come on. Let's go for a ride" Marcel said to the boy.
I walked back over to my uncle and Marcel headed away from the van.
"Go!" One of the vampires said to the newbie.
He jumped up and my uncle grabbed him and walked him out to the car and i trailed behind them.
I looked up and seen Rebecca and then i seen Marcel on the phone in front of the car.

I stood by my uncle and watched Marcel and Rebecca dual.
"Attaque Au Fer. Now counter-Parry." My uncle said.
I watched then dual and i watched Rebecca win.
"A hit! Palpable hit." My uncle said.
They both stood up straight and lifted there helmets.
"I'm going to marry you someday." Marcel said to Rebecca.
I looked at the floor, saddened because i liked Marcel a lot.
"I could never marry someone who couldn't best me in a dual." Rebecca said with a smile.
I looked up at them and then my uncle.
"Another lesson?" Rebecca asked as she both lowered the helmets and began to dual again.
"When can i dual uncle?" I asked.
"When your father okays it" my uncle said as he walked away.
Years later....
I stood and watched Rebecca and Marcel dual and he was winning. I watched him then grab her and push her up against the wall and they both lifted their helmets. Marcel leaned in for a kiss and i seen my uncle walk around the corner.
"This can't be good" i said to my self as i headed across the room where they were.
Rebecca ran off and Marcel cleaned up from the dualing.
"There is nothing going on between us i swear on my life." Marcel said to my uncle who had raised him like a son.
"Your life means something to me. Give me the privilege of honesty, or that will cease to be the case." My uncle said.
"I like her, and i think it's mutual, but I havent done anything about it, and i wouldnt, not..." Marcel started.
"He hasn't Uncle Klaus" i said stepping in.
"And he won't. I love my sister, but she lacks fortune when it comes to men. They come and go for her, but i am the constant. She's my family." Klaus said.
"You said i was family. I have begged you to turn me into a vampire." Marcel said.
"And i told you i would turn you when you are ready" my uncle said.
"Why? Why wait until he was ready? We never got the choice at least he's choosing" i said.
"Maddie i will not do what your grandparents did you us. It takes a special person to be what we are" my uncle said.
I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"You go near Rebecca again Marcel and you will never be ready" my uncle said.

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