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Katya's fingers are softly drumming against the wheel as she drives the short way to Danny and Violet's house.
She still isn't sure if this is the right thing to do, but it's the only thing that has made sense to her so far.

She pulls up on the familiar driveway and walks up to the door. Her hand is on it's way to knock but freezes in mid air.
The fact that Violet is actually behind that door hits her like a truck. She closes her fist tightly and tries to pull herself together.

"Just do it, Katya" She whispers to herself and knocks.

Violet opens the door, standing there in all her glory. Her jet black hair is casually draped to one side, her eyebrows unnaturally symmetrical and her waist as small as a toothpick.

"Katya" she says, with her familiar purring voice.
Katya doesn't respond. She looks at Violet, taking in the details of her silhouette that she thought she'd never want to see again. It's all so overwhelming.

"I know I shouldn't be here" she finally says, grasping the strap of her bag tighter.
Violet waits for her to continue, but Katya just takes the few steps into the house.

The hallway is filled with unopened boxes labeled things like "bedroom", "memos" and "charity" in a dry marker. A sign that someone's actually moving in.

"I was surprised when you texted me" Violet continues, trying to regain Katya's attention.

"Were you?" She scoffs. Violet raises an eyebrow, processing her tone.
"I was, why wouldn't I be? You haven't spoken to me in two years"
"Well I could only assume you moved here because of me"
Violet looks amused.
"How about we sit down and catch up? I promise I'll give you the answers you need, but I've been unpacking all day and my back hurts"
She doesn't wait for a response, instead just walks over to the couch and gestures at her to come along.

The two armchairs that are usually in front of the couch is filled with junk and more boxes, and katya starts to haphazardly move them to avoid sitting next to her.

"Get over yourself, Kat. You're gonna end up breaking something, just sit here"
She still doesn't look violet in the eyes as she does her best to get the junk out of the way.
"No it's fine, I got it"

Violet puts her hand on Katya's shoulder, presumably to guide her away from the chairs, but pulls away as she feels Katya tense up.
She quickly closes her eyes, weighing her options.
"Fine" She finally responds, and takes a seat on the couch. Thankfully Violet seems to have gotten the message loud and clear and keeps her distance.

"Okay then, ask away"
Katya stays quiet for a second. Everything was so clear before she got here, now her thoughts are one big mess.
"Why did you move out?"
Violet chuckles lightly.
"I got evicted, actually"
Katya raises her eyebrows.
"I know, big surprise" she continues sarcastically.
"Why did you get evicted?"
"A bit too much partying"
They sit silently for a while.

"Why did you choose to move here then?"
Violet shrugs.
"Low rent, available roommate, place for a fresh start. I'm mostly here to have somewhere to stay as I look for a more permanent place, so I don't really mind the fact that the environment is pure cow shit"
"Huh.." is all Katya manages to get out. "So it didn't have anything to do with us?"
Violet scoffs again.
"Yeah, buttercup, it has nothing to do with us. Not everything is like a romance novel"
She looks katya up and down before continuing.
"Though I have to say seeing you here is a pretty big bonus"

Katya clenches her jaw tightly.
"I guess that's a pretty good segway to the next subject. Trixie"
Violet's smug look remains, unbothered by the mention of her ex's new girlfriend.
"Oh yeah, Danny told me you girls were a thing now. How's it working out?"
"It's going great, actually. We're really happy together"
Violet nods silently.
"Does she know about our history?"
"It'd be pretty hard to miss it"
"Do you admit to being bothered?"
"Of course I'm bothered, I practically lost my mind when I heard you were moving here. You fucked me up pretty bad"

Violet pauses. She can feel her trying to get eye contact, but she's too shaken.
"I never meant to hurt you" she says gently. Katya's glossy eyes cautiously meets hers.
"Why didn't you do anything?"
"Because you weren't the only one addicted, Kat. We were both out of our minds, and I couldn't encourage you to stop without stopping myself, and I wasn't ready for that. If you got clean you wouldn't wanna be with someone like me. I didn't wanna lose you"

Katya is momentarily taken aback by Violet's words. She had heard the 'I don't want to lose you' excuse countless times, but she didn't think it had that much weight.
"Well, we both saw how that worked out" she responds, her voice breaking from the effort of holding in her tears.
Violet chuckles again, dryly and hollow.
"We sure did"

The air gets emptied of words once again, and katya can almost hear her heart beating.

After a minute she feels Violet's hand reaching for hers. She looks up, but Violet's gaze is still pinned on the wall. She cautiously moves her hand to meet her halfway, and Violet looks at her.

Katya doesn't want it to happen, she wasn't planning on making it happen, and she definitely wishes it didn't happen, but she leans forward and presses her lips against Violet's.

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