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"You can't just leave" she hears Violet's voice behind her. Her heart starts beating faster. "We need each other, you know that" she continues, louder than before.
"That's not true" Katya tries to sound confident. Violet catches up with her and grabs her wrist.
"Let me go" She tries to pull away, but Violet doesn't let go. "You're making this decision based on fear. I'm not the problem" she says.
"You're hurting me" Katya whispers. She finally lets go of her hand, and Katya slowly moves backwards. She only makes it about three feet before hitting a wall. Violet moves closer, and Katya shuts her eyes. "Fuck."
Katya carefully picks up her phone from the sidewalk. The screen is shattered and has some dark spots, but it seems to be working. She dropped it the second after hearing the news, and Willows voice is still flowing out of the speakers.
"Are you there?" She asks. Katya attempts to form an answer, but it feels like her throat is closing up. Tears are making streaks in her painted face and lands on the ground next to small pieces of glass.
"Where are you now?" Katya tries to answer again, and manages to whisper
"I-I just left Trixie's house" she gets choked up again and she tries to clear her throat. "I'm halfway home"
"Try to get to your house, I'll be there as fast as I can so we can talk more face to face" she goes quiet, waiting for an answer. "Do you want me to stay on the phone while you wait?"
"No, it's fine. Just.. hurry"
Willow hangs up and Katya tries her best to get up from the ground and stand on her shaking legs. The ripped jeans have allowed her exposed knees to take quite a lot of damage. They're dirty and a bit scraped, and her hands have small cuts from trying to handle her cracked mess of a phone. She takes the sleeve of the shirt she's wearing and pulls it over her hand before quickly wiping away some of the dirt and gravel from her knees.
She's thankful that there's only a few minutes between her and Trixie's house, and as she steps over the threshold she almost falls into her black leather couch. She knows that she better go wash her wounds before they get infected, yet she just sits there. It feels like an hour goes by before someone frantically knocks on the door.
"Come in" she says, although she's not sure if they can hear her.
Willow opens the door and practically runs over to the couch and wraps her arms around Katya's stiff body. She's wearing the same fluffy jacket that she was wearing the last time they saw each other, at that party when Katya had freaked out about a text from Violet. Was it because Violet was going to move here? Was it some kind of heads up? She needs answers.
"Was it true, what you said about Violet?" Willow nods. "But... why.. why would she come here? Why now?" Willow takes a napkin from the table by the couch and wipes away Katya's tears. She didn't even know she was still crying.
"Can you walk me through it? What happened?" She asks.
"Well, I was talking to Danny on the phone about the roommate situation- you know how he's been looking for someone to split the rent with since he and Roy broke up? Well he told me that he'd found someone, and that it was this girl Violet Chachki". She feels Katya freeze for a second by her side as she hears her name.
"Did he say when she was moving in?"
"I think next week- no, wait, the week after that"
A halfway suffocated laughter finds its way out of Katya.
"I'll have to face her.. in two weeks" she says. Willow chuckles a bit too. It really is bizarre. All she's had to do these past two years have been keeping Katya's irrational thoughts about Violet away, not actually protecting her from the actual Violet Chachki.
"What are you gonna do about Trixie?" She asks. A new wave of loud sobs wash over Katya, and she bends over with her face buried in her hands.
"I hadn't even thought about her" she says between the sobs. Willow puts her arm around her shoulders until she's calmed down a bit.
"Have you told her about Violet at all?"
"No- or, well, a little.. only like why I left Atlanta, not our whole relationship"
"You should talk to her, your 'thing' is going well, right?" Katya manages to smile a bit.
"Yeah" she sniffs. "She's my girlfriend" Willows face lights up.
"That's amazing! Look how far you've come, two years ago you couldn't even consider being with someone after Violet"
"I guess"
"You're not alone this time, you have Trixie and me by your side. And Justin, and Shane and every other friend you've made here"
Katya feels as if she can breath more easily now.
"Thank you. For everything"
"That's what I'm here for" Willow says with a smile.
FINALLY SOME DRAMA MAMA. I've been waiting for so long to write this chapter and actually get the story going, and you might notice how this one flows better than the others because I'm actually interested in what I'm writing! So I think you can expect more updates soon, though I can't promise anything because school's starting tomorrow.

Edit: ok so for some reason chapter 6 wasn't saved so I've had to rewrite it, so I encourage you to read it because then this chapter will make a lot more sense

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