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Katya wakes up in Trixie's bed, her arms draped around the blonde girl.
For the first time in a long time, it feels right.
It's hard for her to name what she has gained. She doesn't know if she's ready for a relationship. A relationship is so easy to fuck up, and she really does like Trixie. Too much to put her through that. Until then, she's happy with what she's got.
Carefully to not to wake Trixie she gets up from the bed. She's wearing the same gray shirt as yesterday, but the jeans are lying on the floor. Just as she puts them on, Trixie grunts and opens her eyes.
Katya smiles.
"Good morning"
As soon as Trixie hears her voice her face lights up. Katya takes a seat on the bed next to her again, and proceeds to play with her messy hair.
"Yesterday was a good night, wasn't it?" She asks.
"Yeah, it was really nice kissing you sober" she responds with a giggle.
"Is your mom home?" She asks, suddenly very nervous.
"She said that she would be back at 12" Trixie responds.
"I better get going then, it was bad enough before, what's it gonna be like if she finds us curled up like this?" She nods in agreement.
"Call me?"
"Of course!"
She gives Trixie a small peck on the cheek before leaving.
Hello again! I'm having some writers block so I haven't been able to post for a while, I'm only posting this so you know that I'm still alive and gonna try to post more during December, that's why it's so short :O

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