Part 4

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          Everyone was having such a good time talking and laughing with each other to where we got side tracked with the time. " Johnathan was in the kitchen with the men emptying the Hot Heavy pots, that were still on the stovetop. Miss Maggy said well I guess I'll get going' I knew she didn't have anywhere to go. " I said Miss. Mags' if you don't mind me asking where are you going? " She said well child wherever and however far these old feet take me tonight." and kinda giggled it off" I guess this was normal to her' because she has been doing it for so long. I told her to hold on give me a second to speak with my husband and that I would drive her anywhere she wanted to go. " She sat down on Daddy's brown stool with ease, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't go out my way to help this lady. I walked in the Kitchen & said Excuse me babe! "_Can I speak with you a moment? He says sure Baby! He tells the guys excuse me fellas!' 'throws down his towel he used to dry his hands, and walked into the hallway with me. He says Rita ' Is everything Ok Babe? I said yes everything is fine I just wanna make sure this lady has somewhere safe and warm to stay for the night. "He says well sure babe, what do you need me to do? He says "Matter of fact here is my card' kisses me on my forehead, and tells me to be careful. "I walked back in the front to get Miss Maggy ' She was gone😞.
"It didn't sit right with me why she left so fast after trying to help her🤷🏾‍♀️.
I acted as if I was still going to take Miss Maggy ." So I grabbed the keys to just ride around the block to see if she was still close. "Because I know she can't be Far.
" I rode slowly down each street looking down every alley, looking for her.
I turned the corner and there were cops everywhere  🚔 searching a vehicle.
I spotted Miss Maggy talking to the policeman as if she was a witness to something. " I parked in a safe spot so that I can leave my truck. I tried to get close but I couldn't pass. I seen them walking her to sit her on the curb "So I walked around the whole scene to get closer to Miss.Maggy. She spots me! She gets up and walked closer to me. But stayed inside the yellow tape. " I said Mag! You ok? She nods her head yes ' shaking at the same time because she was cold🥶. " I said I want to help you !
"She says I wasn't all the way honest with you and your family. " I have One Son whom is a troublemaker' I have been sneaking into his house 🏡 through the back door to get down to his basement to get rest and sleep 🛏. "She says I was being completely honest when I said I have no one. But my one and only son is in this vehicle" in the trunk Dead 💀 & nobody in sight seen a thing. " I said Ohh My Gosh' I'm so sorry to hear what you're going thru. " I grabbed and hugged her tight' knowing we were going through the same thing and having the same feelings. Losing someone is hard' and then you're own child at that. I don't care how troubled and bad they were "Miss Maggy' says even though he was troubled he was still my child🤦🏾‍♀️. At this moment I don't have the words to say 😥😥

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