Part 3

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Family Tragedy
As I sat here on the steps with a puzzled look on my face not saying a word wondering how this lady got my necklace." Y'all She say's Ma'mm I know you don't want to talk but I also have this Box 📦 for you" Mind you the box was all smashed up with a big hole poked in the side of it, but you still couldn't see inside. " I was still in such shock" she says from what the necklace says I know that you're name is Rita." She states that her name was Maggy I'm from this area I've lived here for 58 years I have no one.I have been homeless for 6 years now " I was in the Area when your family member got into the accident today' I tried to give the driver CPR until the ambulance 🚑 got there but she had no chance I watched her take her last breath she did not suffer, and as for the charm she had this in her hand and sat it in mine before God took her. Now as for the Box 📦 it was shifted from the vehicle and left far off on side the road." So I gathered it and decided to bring them over. " she says Now ma'mm I dont mean to disrespect your family coming here but I felt like you all needed this and it was a reason I was around to receive these items to give back to you all.
" I picked my head up and I felt so bad for this lady. "I got up off the step and gave her a big hug and as I held her she broke down into tears 😭 it was so overwhelming. " All I could say was Thank you Miss Maggy! I kept looking at the box like I wonder what was inside but I didn't want to open it infront of Maggy right this Moment. " I said give me a moment Ma'mm don't leave✋🏾🤚🏾 I walked inside the house to put up the items she had brought to me. " I went inside my old room and I had clothing that I didn't need anymore ' and I grabbed towels and hygiene products. "I placed them in the guest bathroom 🚽. I walked Back outside to the to the porch' and said Miss Maggy come on in and make yourself at home 🏡 .I walked her down the hall towards the room to clean herself up." I said do you need a first aid ⛑ kit or bandages? "She says Baby that would be lovely 😊 and thank you God Bless your Heart." I said no problem ran to get her things and handed it to her. "I told her take all the time you need. "She smiled so big" And said thank you repeatedly......
I walked in the room where the family was and told them I had a guest over, I spoke about the situation and of course everyone was ok with it because we have a loving family. " I asked Johnathan to come and speak with me for a moment" I wanted to show him the charm and have him there with me when I opened the 📦 that was ejected out of my sisters vehicle.
" He says What do you think it could be? As he shook the box. I said I have no clue but we can open it and see what's inside." I said there's no telling what Rasheed has in her car🤷🏾‍♀️. " I grabbed a pair of Scottish Open the box up. Come to find out it was two boxes in one. That's probably why we couldn't see inside from where big hole was. " John cut the box open, and inside was a Card that said Read First!
" I opened the card it Said
"To my Beautiful Sister ' The very first moment I wanted to give you this I couldn't so I had to use my brain to make this special.
(" the card said flip over— )
On the backside it had a teddy bear 🧸 on it and said. "I know all about your blessing you are about to receive' and I'm happy for you but God Has a bigger blessing for all of us.
*I instantly asked Johnathan if he told her he was going to Propose to me? "He says No Baby.
I said what possibly can this be for. "I opened the tag 🏷 that was hangin' on side of the Bears 🐻 ear.
"Tears just rolled down my face ' not only my sister but she was pregnant as well we lost Two instead of one 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️😭😭😭😭😭.
"Just as we were about to talk about it, Miss Maggy walks out of the guest bathroom & Says Rita!! " I said yes ma'mm! She says you have been so kind and God is Going to Bless you even though you are going threw a rough time at the moment. " You took the time out to help a complete stranger. I said thank you 😊 but you don't feel like a stranger at all.
"She says I guess I'll get going! "Johnathan stops her and said' ✋🏾
Wait Ma'mm you didn't get to eat yet!
Tears rolled down her face 😭😭 she says thank you so much my child, I can't tell you the last time I had a meal." Or have someone even ask or offer me anything.
"For some reason this lady Reminded me of one Of our own Family Members. " I said C'mon let us introduce you to everyone, she was kinda shy about that not thinking no one would accept her. "I said You have nothin to worry about in this family. " We went inside with everyone else and they took her in as if we've known her for years and years. "My Poppa Actually ' made coffee ☕️ and they both sat in the living room for hours talking. "Mind you since Momma was caught in the house fire 🔥 Daddy hasn't talked about it or talked to a woman about what happened since.
But this was different I heard him from afar telling her about his situation. He opened up to her about everything.
So I know he was comfortable around her.
"My Mind was at peace for a little while until I started thinking about Rasheed being pregnant 🤰🏾 with her first child and they are both Gone Now. " I feel like God Sent this Lady to us for a reason but I still can't wrap my finger around it. "But through this all I still thank the good Lord for what we do have. And what he has done for our family " I also want to talk to my husband about helping Miss Maggy but I feel like this can wait until a little later. "It's time to eat the food is all Prepared for us' So this can Wait! " We all sat down to eat ' before we ate Miss Maggy asked if she could lead us in Prayer and Bless the Food. " everyone agreed to this and smiled all at each other. "She said a powerful prayer 🙏🏾 " Then All you heard was LETS EAT!❤️❤️❤️
Even though Rasheed is not here with us for some Odd reason the Family feels Complete 🤗🤗.

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