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Chapter 1

"Miss. Sophia, Welcome back." Michael, her butler, bow for respect.

"Is my baby ready?" She ask. Michael nod in return.

"The Car is ready and waiting, Miss." He said. Sophia handed her bag and took her keys that reads 'California T-Ferrari' One of the famous car brand worldwide and yes she owns one.

"Thank you for taking care of my baby."

"As always, Miss Sophia." Michael help her settle inside with her stuffs.

"Make sure to take my bags home safe." Her butler bow and left. Well she trust Michael more than anyone, He was her butler for 3 years already.

She trust him even to her darkest secrets.

Sophia smile as she started the engine. She can't wait to see the reaction of Denwards Academy Studens knowing that the Sophia Austin Lee, who once called as the campus loser is back and winning the crown.

  A Braver, Fiercer and Smarter self.

Guess what i have in mind fuckers. You started the game, I'll finish it.

IT took her half an hour to get to the Academy. She thought she's never coming back after all those years, Staying in New York is better, But having a revenge is way more better than leaving across country.

  "Denwards Academy." She read. "We finally meet again, I wonder how everyone went after i left."

She drove her car inside and she can already feel the attention towards her. That's what she want, First Step was a big check for her.

After looking for some parking space, She walk out of her car, carrying her usual Black Gucci Bag. Everyone is putting dagger looks unto her but she doesn't care at all. some was all about insecurities and some were compliments for how she looks.

Denward's never change. She glare at the thought. In this Academy, If you have everything then you'll get the praise that you want, People will follow your orders weither it's legal or illegal. But if not, then you are suppose to be a trash. Just like how they treat her the first time.

  She would never forget that and will remain a bad memory to her.

  KAI bore his eyes to the lady who enter the hall. Everyone was gossiping and wondering around. He don't bother why, She's a good catch. Has fine body, fair skin that brightens along with sunrays, She also have a long brown hair. For short, She's a complete package.

"Look at that hot chic." Chanyeol one of his friend appear right beside his out of nowhere.

"Where the fuck in Denwards have you been?" He was mad. well who ain't? He's been searching for about an hour now.

"Just had a quick with Ali." Kai can't help but glare. What a fucker. "Anyways, Who is that?" He pointed at the lady at the entrance hall. She's now talking to the school dean. Looks like a special guess has arrive.

"Don't know." He shrug.

"You fucking own this Academy and you don't?"

"My parents do and i don't for your fucking information, Mr. Park." He just left without telling more. He might loose his mind talking to that weirdo. But the woman's face is encrave in his mind. She's familiar. Fuck this feeling.

SOPHIA is done with one of her class. It's already lunch time and decided to go to the canteen to grab some food.

  As usual, People were dagging looks at her. They were man who tried fiesting on her but she insist, She is here for one reason. to get revenge to someone very close to her heart from the past.

Yes, Once close to her heart, what he did was unacceptable and she can't start a new one without getting a revenge to those people who broke her since.

  "Hi, Miss." Sophia stilled at the familiar tone. and she was right, "I'm Chanyeol." He raise his hand and she know that move. Is the game on?

"Hi." She let a sweet smile and held his. Like what she expect, He kiss her hand infront of many people. The usual 'Park' move.

"I suggest your new in the campus?" And now the conversation started. Sophia have the guts to play with him.

"Yes, I just got enrolled last week." She lied. "The place was good actually, Kinda cozy." Cozy my ass.

"Mind letting me take you around campus?" She look at him intently. He's into her that's what she is sure of.

"Sure, Let's go?"

  WHERE the fuck is he. Kai has been looking around. Chanyeol was out of sight once again and he is fucking piss off. He is really mad.

"No! That's not it!"

"Yes! It was!"

He sure heard the right tone. You fucker.
He walk right to him not minding the person he was with. "Chanyeol Park!"

He got there attention but loose his strength to move when he saw the lady standing fair right beside him. They look happy while talking and he doesn't why it piss him more.

"Hey, Kai. Let me introduce you to Ms. Sophia." The jerk just got a target. "She's new in the campus-"

"I know." his tone was cold but he can't deny how his heart beat so fast and he don't fucking know why. "We're getting late to history class." Kai's eyes were still bore unto her.

Maybe because he adores her sweet innocent smile. Her lips was so pink and plump that he wonders how it feels with his.

What the fuck.

"Oh, Sorry." Chanyeol look at her and held her back. He has this urge to break his arm right now, he won't even mind being his bestfriend for how many years.

Darn. What is happening to me?

"Sophia, I think i need to leave. We have classes to attend. Are you going to be okay?" The beautiful lady nod still smiling so sweetly.

"I think i will be good.." she says and roam her eyes around. "I will be okay don't worry."

So their fucking flirting and right fucking infront of him. What a fucking fuck.

"Okay. If something happens call me." They bid goodbye but Kai didn't mind and just leave. He don't feel good today, he really don't.

SOPHIA watch as the two man left. She finally got the chance to breath. Being close to Kai that way is bad for her... very bad. She felt like loosing her strength the way he stares and examine her being from top to toe.

But she shouldn't stop. She need to get her revenge. if that's the way to free herself from the past then she will and getting attach to his best friend is a good start. Second plan is a big check.


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