Dark Wish, Part III

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Kali closed her eyes as the Hidiac swung his axe high into the air. She turned her head towards the tree trunk and waited for the agonising pain that was sure to follow the attack - but it never came. Instead, a surprising roar echoed through the air and Kali looked up just in time to see a stream of fire slam into the Hidiac.

The Hidiac hit the road with a distinctive crunch and rolled over backwards before coming to a stop. He groaned and sat up, looking directly at Kali, his face shifting from surprise to anger and then to fear.

Just like they had done four months ago, Kali's hand shimmered with residual energy, but this time, instead of disappearing when Kali shook her head, the glow remained long after.

"What the -?" Kali breathed. A shiver swept down her spine and she looked up just in time to dodge an attack. The Hidiac that had just tried to decapitate her had recovered and was back for round two. Rolling to her feet, Kali pivoted on the spot and kicked the encroaching Hidiac in the gut.

He stumbled and his friends rushed in.

It didn't take long, or much effort before Kali had finished off the horde of foot soldiers. She dusted her hands on her jeans and then took off in search of her friends. She found them cornered by Necrolai in a dingy alley behind the Rock Porium.

Clenching her hands into a fist, Kali summoned the energy she had felt previously and threw a fireball at Necrolai. The ball extinguished as it collided with Necrolai's back, but did very little damage.

Snarling, Necrolai turned and sneered as she spotted Kali. "How do you still have magic?" she hissed.

"That's a good question," said Kali, running forward. She leapt into the air as she closed in on a stack of boxes, and kicked off their side, swinging her leg around and catching Necrolai in the head.

The vampire reeled back and Kali landed beside her friends.

"It doesn't matter if you still have magic," Necrolai said, standing tall and glaring at Kali. "You're still finished without your abilities to morph."

The clouds parted, a small flicker of light shone brightly through. Necrolai gasped and looked up, as one-by-one the Rangers morphers appeared in their hands.

"What's happening?" Maddie asked, looking up. More and more beams of light were appearing through the clouds, each one causing the darkness to ebb away.

"No!" Necrolai yelled as, after a while, nothing by sunlight and blue skies could be seen.

"I don't know about you, guys, but I'm feeling the magic," said Nick, looking down at his Morpher.

Kali grinned and nodded at her best friend. "Ready?" she asked, snapping open the phone.


"Magical Source, Mystic Force!"

Galwit Mysto Ranger!

Necrolai seethed as the team morphed right before her eyes. "Bring it on!" she challenged, summoning a load more Hidiacs and sending them into battle.

"You got it!" Kali yelled, running ahead. She flipped over several Hidiacs and landed amongst them, transforming her magi staff into its sword mode and spinning wildly in a complete circle. The tip of the sword knicked each Hidiac in turn, causing them to explode.

"Leave them alone!"

Kali looked around at the sound of Vida's yell and spotted several Hidiacs harassing a small group of civilians, including Toby. Running over to assist her friend, Kali quickly lifted a small crying girl into her arms and kicked an oncoming Hidiac in the chest.

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