The Gatekeeper, Part II

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"This is all my fault," said Claire, looking guilty. "I'm sorry, Rangers."

"Don't blame yourself, Claire," said Kali, shaking her head. "If he hadn't have used your abilities, Koragg would've found another way to raise the gate."

"She's right," said Nick. "It was only a matter of time before something like this happened."

The others nodded and Claire relaxed, although she still felt disappointed in herself. If only she had been stronger, maybe she could have fought off both Koragg and Necrolai, and then they wouldn't have used her to raise the Gate.

"Look," Xander exclaimed, pointing at the Gate. "Up there!"

Following his trajectory, the Rangers and Claire spotted one of the statues stand on its hind legs and let out a roar. It shook the city worse than any earthquake. The gargoyle jumped from its perch and landed in the middle of the city, causing several aftershocks.

The gargoyle found the Rangers and unleashed a barrage of attacks on them. The ground exploded near the team and they were thrown into the air, and back down to the ground.

Claire groaned as she landed beside Kali, the black ranger's arm was still wrapped around her shoulders as they both recovered slowly from the attack.

"Get up!" Koragg growled, dragging Claire to her feet.

"Let her go!" Kali said, jumping to her feet. She staggered and her world spun, as blood rushed back to her brain too fast. She groaned and pressed a hand to her head.

Koragg laughed. "You won't get away this time," he told Claire. "And the gargoyle of the gates will take care of you," he added to the Rangers.

Despite the pounding in her head, Kali lunged for Koragg. She aimed a wild punch at his head but missed due to her world still spinning. Koragg scoffed and smashed his shield into Kali's torso and knocked her back, she stumbled and hit the ground, tripping over her own two feet.

"Kali!" Chip called, running over with the others.

Koragg laughed evilly as a dark spell seal appeared and he and Claire descended into it.

"No!" Kali yelled, staggering forward. She felt arms wrap around her and tug her back, just as a foot of the giant gargoyle landed in the spot where Koragg had once stood.

The gargoyle raised his staff and aimed it at the rangers as energy rippled across its spikes. He thrust it down towards the ground and unleashed an electrical attack on the team. Still supporting Kali, Nick yelled for the others to look out, before jumping into the air.

The Rangers summoned their Titan powers and leapt through individual spell seals to face the Gargoyle on his level. With the added boost of magic, Kali felt slightly better, but she was still a little dizzy.

"Kali, are you sure you're fit to fight?" Xander asked.

"I'll be fine," Kali replied. "Don't worry about me. Worry about the stone gargoyle destroying the city."

The others nodded and turned their attention to the attacking stone statue. Leaping forward, Chip and Nick slammed their feet into the gargoyle, knocking him back a few steps.

"All right, phase two," said Nick.

The others nodded and summoned the magic they needed to create their Titan Megazords.

"Mystic Spell Seal," Nick called.

"Mystic Spell Seal!" Kali yelled.

Two spell seals appeared in the air between the two Megazords and the gargoyle. Raising their sabres, the two Megazords slashed through each seal, individually, and send the torrent of magic at the gargoyle. However, before their sabres could hit the statue, he disappeared, reappearing behind the team and attacking himself.

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